Even the Scarbrough Subway Extension looks to be deferred at the moment, so I wouldn't hold my breath for YNSE or DRL either.

I suspect that there won't be any new projects approved by Ford. I susspect we have at least till 2022ish till a new project is approved.
They're still pushing for Royal Orchard? As strongly as I support the project, I can't imagine any argument that can be made for it and am curious why they're wasting time on it. There is a small cluster of density there (apartment buildings and towns) and, yes, there is definitely redevelopment potential for the plaza there but there's also a valley/golf course to the south and the same on the west side of Yonge so there isn't enough potential to justify a subway station, not to mention the time waste of an extra stop between Langstaff and Centre.

If they want people to take seriously the viability of the extension, pushing for unnecessary stops this far into the process is not the way to go, IMHO.

They're still pushing for Royal Orchard? As strongly as I support the project, I can't imagine any argument that can be made for it and am curious why they're wasting time on it. There is a small cluster of density there (apartment buildings and towns) and, yes, there is definitely redevelopment potential for the plaza there but there's also a valley/golf course to the south and the same on the west side of Yonge so there isn't enough potential to justify a subway station, not to mention the time waste of an extra stop between Langstaff and Centre.

If they want people to take seriously the viability of the extension, pushing for unnecessary stops this far into the process is not the way to go, IMHO.

Hey, golfers deserve a subway too!LOL
I read that as gopher and wondered if the cost would be cheaper because they could build the tunnels.
At least gophers don't ask for too much money and are easily replaceable.

However, the subway tunnels built by gophers would be a safety hazard and easily collapse.
They're still pushing for Royal Orchard? As strongly as I support the project, I can't imagine any argument that can be made for it and am curious why they're wasting time on it
Yeah, that would seem strange to me. If a stop were to be added, a Centre/John stop makes way more sense because of the bus routes that feed into it.
Further discussion is probably better for that thread but:
-Ford said it would be after
-Steeles station is a lock and Cummer was dismissed during the prelim design work (rightly, since it's so close to Finch, IMHO)

No Cummer station is undesirable IMO.

There is significant development opportunity there, and a connecting bus route that serves primarily residential areas. The experience of North York City Centre station should be noted.
The main development at Cummer is already underway though, yes, there is some more to the north and on the west side of Yonge. I believe the station was cut when Royal Orchard was and it hasn't been part of the ongoing design work but, hey, if they bring it back, I'll shrug but I think adding both those extra stops doesn't add much.
