I also disagree with Cummer being too close to Finch.

It is 800m from Finch Station, and 1200m from Steeles. This is ideal stop spacing for a subway station.

Given the relative level of pedestrian hostility that exists in the suburbs, even on a main street like Yonge through this section, the closer the stations are to residents, the better.
Was just looking at the docs and, yeah, Cummer does still seem to be there. I don't know if it's quite 800m, given that the north entrance of the station will be at Yonge/Cummer and the south end of Finch is down at Bishop. But close enough. You can see the relative distances here...

[EDIT - pushing the map below as I found the distances. It's a bit less than 800, which is pretty close for a non-downtown station but, hey, give it a shot :)
Also, interesting but not surprising that the existing tail tracks look like they go about 2/3 the way to Cummer already ]


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Its technically not fully funded yet. Only the Province has claimed to have stepped up.

That being said this line is now the #2 priority line for Toronto, just behind the DRL/Ontario.
South of Steeles—City of Toronto
North of Steeles—Region of York

Ford is also expecting the feds to kick in 1/3rd, which I think they will.

Anyway, York Region will be an interesting council debate since they'll be taking on about $1.5B in debt for their portion; puts their current $3B "debt crisis" (as some councillors call it) into perspective. Without the subway they've considered asking the province for additional taxation capabilities, with subway funding an additional taxation capability will be absolutely mandatory.

In 2018 York Region was looking at a Land Transfer Tax and/or a Vehicle Registration Tax. Ford has run against both of those, killing one. Will Ford give them a LTT in order to get matching funding at the municipal level?
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Someone noticed the Royal Orchard thing on Twitter and the York Region people responded that while the last report (Conceptual Design) recommended against proceeding with it, it's still part of the approved EA. I would have assumed it was simply a "mistake" to have shown it in that video except that we saw it was supposed to be discussed in a closed session yesterday. So... I don't quite know what to make of it. It's basically Schrodinger's Subway Station, both alive and dead until they actually build the subway.
