going to the rail line does save about a billion according to the Business case. So yea - it does make the corridor marginally longer but not by a huge amount.

I wonder if we will see a push from RH to extend the line to 16th Avenue in a decade given that it would be fairly affordable above grade and is already half-way there with the yard located north of High-Tech..
going to the rail line does save about a billion according to the Business case. So yea - it does make the corridor marginally longer but not by a huge amount.

I wonder if we will see a push from RH to extend the line to 16th Avenue in a decade given that it would be fairly affordable above grade and is already half-way there with the yard located north of High-Tech..

It looks like the line is already designed so it CAN go north to 16th. But it would be pretty gutsy for RH to ask for more when the entire IBC is premised on cutting stations to fit within a funding envelope. I mean, if they can get that money to fall from the sky, I guess it doesn't hurt to ask but if they get a third station and Toronto doesn't even get Cummer, that'll be a tough sell. Ironically, there's probably so much development up there now you could justify a 16th Avenue station more than Royal Orchard (maybe more than Cummer or Clark?) but still....

I don't know about the theory in the previous pages that this is all positioning for more funding to fill in the blanks. The feds have already come to the table for Toronto's subway plans and there's only so much money and this project has already seen costs rise a lot since it was additionally proposed. I think the only way you see more than 1 station added is is the Province can show they have private development money pay for the station(s). It's not outside the realm of possibility but I wouldn't bet on it (though there are still 3 corners where maybe they can do that at both Cummer and 16th).
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I don't know about the theory in the previous pages that this is all positioning for more funding to fill in the blanks.
Yeah. I’m betting we get Clark, since the IBC says we’ll get one additional station. York Region can claim victory, the province can claim victory, and both Toronto and York Region both lose a station.
When does Mississauga get the subway they deserve.
When does Brampton get the subway they deserve.
When does Richmond Hill get the subway they deserve.
When does TORONTO get the subway we deserve?
When does Pickering get the subway they deserve? This was a literal promise from Doug Ford.

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When does Pickering get the subway they deserve? This was a literal promise from Doug Ford.
Dougie has a bad habit of off the cuff remarks at press conferences that get him in hot water and don't make a whole lot of sense or mean a whole lot. That Pickering comment was one of them I think. Not really a real policy point but Dougie just rambling.
Tbh though, 800m stop spacing spacing for LRT is like perfect, in fact I'd argue it could be more like 1km. The thing with Cummer is that You could still have the cummer bus which could travel frequently to Finch and/or Steeles, its not like this subway extension is killing all of the busses. In fact most of the busses travelling along Yonge already skip all of the stops between Steeles and Finch. Ideally all 3 stations get built, not just one, but I don't think that we should be aiming to remove all busses or something like that. We should still have a frequent Yonge bus running up and down the street.

The existing service between Finch and Steeles:
- Most of it is provided by the TTC's frequent buses # 53 and 60. We can discount the 53E and 60E which do not stop before Steeles, but even then, the local branches of 53 and 60 make a very decent service.
- The 42 Cummer and the 125 Drewry are less frequent, and cover less than half of the 2-km stretch. The southbound # 42 doesn't stop on Yonge at all; it stops on Cummer at some distance from the intersection, then makes a left to Yonge and stays in the left lane till Finch.
- And the # 97 comes once in a blue moon, and is hardly usable at all.

With a new station at Steeles, but none at Cummer/Drewry, the # 53 and 60 will terminate at Steeles and not serve Yonge St. That will meaningfully reduce the transit service in between. Not even talking about the new projects; the existing residents of those many highrises, who are used to decent transit service, will be very much out of luck. Maybe if you are located at Cummer, walking 500 m to the north entrance of Finch Stn is acceptable. But what if you are located half way between Cummer and Steeles. Either walk for up to 1 km, or walk for 500 m and then wait for # 42 / 125.

The only somewhat feasible alternative to the Cummer station, is if the TTC dramatically improves the branch of # 97 operating between Davisville and Steeles. That branch would need to run every 10 min or so; and I doubt it will.
IMO, the Royal Orchard station is a nice-to-have one. Can be skipped or postponed if the funding is an issue.

However, both Clarke and Cummer are essential. I don't even know how to choose one of the two if only one can be retained. Both are needed.
