Yes. As part of the ridiculously overbuilt Steeles station, all those houses will be acquired and most of the other local properties near the intersection will have to be partially acquired so that both Yonge and Steeles can be widened to accommodate the three entry ramps. Steeles West, in particular, already has a ROW wide enough for 9 lanes of traffic, but they want even more land to play with. Steeles station will require at least $50M of expropriation because of it's [poor] design.

In fairness, the planning study Markham has been doing in response to the Hy & Zel's development already earmarked the block over to Dudley for massive redevelopment.

Those houses and Yonge Street business will be replaced by mid and high-rise buildings and they'll have to build a bypass street, similar to Doris and Beecroft.

I'm not saying that Steeles isn't overbuilt, just that the neighbourhood is getting massive overhaul anyway. It'll be a mess for a while, I suspect.
yes true!! pretty much most of the land right on yonge street throughout most of the proposed extension is lined with tons of strip malls and plazas, which can be changed into more dense housing structres such as what is proposed for hy & zel's plaza, I suspect that it will only be a matter of time before the section between finch and steeles begins to see change as well.
I expect the TTC expects massive ridership on the Steeles station for it build such a big station.
yes true!! pretty much most of the land right on yonge street throughout most of the proposed extension is lined with tons of strip malls and plazas, which can be changed into more dense housing structres such as what is proposed for hy & zel's plaza, I suspect that it will only be a matter of time before the section between finch and steeles begins to see change as well.

There's a really high proportion of car dealerships between Finch and Clark -- once the transit plan is in place those will surely be among the first to go: large land parcels, extremely poor utilization, and car sales are not exactly booming. When at Roy Foss renting a car once (there's an agency inside the lot) an employee told me that they were basically waiting for the subway yard to get out of there. I have to think something similar is going on for quite a lot of that stretch
In fairness, the planning study Markham has been doing in response to the Hy & Zel's development already earmarked the block over to Dudley for massive redevelopment.

Those houses and Yonge Street business will be replaced by mid and high-rise buildings and they'll have to build a bypass street, similar to Doris and Beecroft.

I'm not saying that Steeles isn't overbuilt, just that the neighbourhood is getting massive overhaul anyway. It'll be a mess for a while, I suspect.

Huh? The expropriated houses are on the Toronto side, which has no such plans.
I was about to say what does this have to do with Markham?

hmm, this might not be such a bad thing.

So from this we can gather that Steeles station will be in Toronto proper.

Have they decided whether it will be incorporated into a larger office complex or the like?
The station will be underground and no, not all of it is in the 416. At the very least, Yonge's entry ramp is in York Region. Expropriations will be taking place around Yonge & Steeles in all three municipalities.
The station will be underground and no, not all of it is in the 416. At the very least, Yonge's entry ramp is in York Region. Expropriations will be taking place around Yonge & Steeles in all three municipalities.

I must say, it is intriguing to see the inter-municipal cooperation required to do this. Four municipalities are involved. And something like four of the six stations (all but Finch-Cummer and RHC) touch at least two municipalities.
It appears they will use cut and cover where it is sensible.
I was about to say what does this have to do with Markham?

hmm, this might not be such a bad thing.

So from this we can gather that Steeles station will be in Toronto proper.

Have they decided whether it will be incorporated into a larger office complex or the like?

Steeles is planned to be directly under the road which, I guess, means most of it will technically be "in Toronto" but it's on the border, is the simple answer. Some ramps and stairs will emerge on the 905 side and some on the 416. Why does it matter which "proper" municipality it's in?

They rejected the idea of incorporating it into an office complex, a la York Mills. Instead it will be in the ROW, like St. Clair W. Still, expect a massive tower of some kind on the north-west corner sooner rather than later.

I didn't realize above that the expropriations were on the Toronto side but it's ultimately the same point - massive redevelopment including a bypass road will exist on both sides of Steeles.

Also someone mentioned the car dealerships and it will be very interesting to see what happens there. I heard a semi-reliable rumour that Roy Foss got offered $90 million for their land. It sounds a bit insane but they must own more than 15 acres of super-prime land. (The H&Z site across the street is 10 acres so maybe someone else can look and do a better guess of acreage...)
Am I reading the reports correctly that for Richmond Hill Centre station, they'll have to demolish the theatre building to build the station?
Am I reading the reports correctly that for Richmond Hill Centre station, they'll have to demolish the theatre building to build the station?

As I understand it there was a plan to redevelop the property anyway.
I didn't realize above that the expropriations were on the Toronto side but it's ultimately the same point - massive redevelopment including a bypass road will exist on both sides of Steeles.

I just said they're expropriating land on both sides of Steeles and both sides of Yonge. The City of Toronto currently has no plans to redevelop its side of Steeles beyond whatever Centerpoint wants to do. At this point, any redevelopments proposed for the Toronto side that don't have a Yonge address - even townhouses - would be rejected because they'd be in stable neighbourhoods. Regardless of what the EA assumes will happen, there are currently no plans to extend the Beecroft/Doris service roads north to meet up with what rejigged road network York Region is planning. Maybe in a year or two when Toronto finishes its Avenues study of Yonge-frontage properties, it'll begin a study of the larger area that will necessarily contain the service roads and the redevelopments akin to what's existing and planned to the north and south (North York Centre and York Region). It would boggle the mind if the city didn't fast-track the design and construction of the service roads since parts of Yonge will be cut'n'covered...I'm preparing my mind to be boggled, actually, because I very much doubt it'll happen soon.
Regardless of what the EA assumes will happen, there are currently no plans to extend the Beecroft/Doris service roads north to meet up with what rejigged road network York Region is planning.

The service roads were definitely mentioned in the recent TTC report...lemme see if I can find it in a quick Google...Yeah, it's on P9 here: An extension of the service road from Finch to Drewry - not to Steeles, yet.

And as for Silver City, it is not immediately slated for demolition - certain parts of the surrounding land would certainly be needed for the subway construction, however. In the long term (but not that long term) all that big box corridor will defnitely get redeveloped. And it's all owned by Metrus who are already negotiating with the transit folk.
Anybody, know where I can find predicted ridership estimates for the extension? Official or unofficial....
