A few things to note about the AGO - that I noticed during my visit two weeks ago (ha!):
-They seem to be having some horrific problems with condensation in the spiral staircases, and there seem to be leaks in the exterior cladding, which is also dripping directly into the stair-wells. This is not the first time I have heard of Gehry buildings leaking - the Stata Centre at MIT is suing Gehry over leaks in their roof.
-There are some issues with regards to the "Visor" at the eastern end. Not sure exactly what the issue is, but there seems to be a problem with draining the water/snow melt and it is freezing, maybe blocking the drain -there was a massive clump of ice- 2 feet high and about 4 feet in diameter on the ground directly below the underside of the visor. I am not sure what or how they will be remedying this situation, but it is quite extensive in my opinion and definitely needs to be looked at- There were also condensation problems within the visor as well, but...who knows..
-I went to Frank, and the service sucked, so I left- went downstairs to the new cafeteria - which is informal and decent, but a little oddly laid out. They have located table immediately at the foot of the stairs which come directly down from the foyer of Frank- if the doors open up to the street in Frank, you are suddenly met with a waft of cold air- food was good and service friendly - I did feel that the space was a bit of an "after-thought" though.
-I love the wood detailing in the gallery and those curved wood panels are just phenomenal. There is a lot of really skilled finishing work, which is just not normal today- Take a look at the ROM if you wish to see the opposite of skill.
-I am extremely disappointed by the signage - the large red AGO is fine, but I the vinyl applied stickers to the windows screams CHEAP-OUT and is extremely embarrassing for the institution IMO. The story is that they didn't have the time or money to do the proper engineering assessments and building permits in order, or on time to get the final signage up and thus, chose to do the temporary applied vinyls. Sadly, I get the feeling that these will not be temporary and will ultimately remain for quite some time.
-did anyone else get the feeling that it was extremely dark in basement, where K. Thomson's boats were?