Senior Member
I hope you are right with a much increased distance between the stops. Not only will it make the system considerably faster but much more reliable. The more stops and the more lights it has to deal with, the lower the intersection priority can be. That leads to unreliable service and the thing that Torontonians hate the most, the bunching ogf the trains.
You simply cannot have that many stops, that many lights, that many advanced greens, and that many trains and have signal priority..........a complete impossiblity. Vancouver's BLine stops only at connecting bus route intersections with the exception of major destinations suchas Vancouver Community College. Same should be done for TC.
I have always stated from day #1 that TC could work. It was the implementation that they got wrond not the idea behind it.
You simply cannot have that many stops, that many lights, that many advanced greens, and that many trains and have signal priority..........a complete impossiblity. Vancouver's BLine stops only at connecting bus route intersections with the exception of major destinations suchas Vancouver Community College. Same should be done for TC.
I have always stated from day #1 that TC could work. It was the implementation that they got wrond not the idea behind it.