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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I'm lucky to live in Point McKay with the Douglas Fir trail across the river from me, could be there in 15 minutes of walking. Bowness Park has the nicest and biggest stands of trees I've seen in the city, can feel like Revy in there in places. I think it's mostly pine, but every so often you come across one that's massive (for Calgary at least lol) and those are the Douglas Fir.

Brentwood residents angry that city is trying to plant trees in local park
"'If you give people more places to hide, more naughty things will be done,' said one tree opponent"

Don't plant conifers and you won't have to worry about people hanging out in the shadows.
Phew! This is just the article from a few years ago. For a moment there I thought anti-Tree NIMBYism was becoming a trend in this city.
Man, some people are just so concerned about everything!
These sorts of people are only concerned about one thing, it just manifests on whatever is currently happening in their community -- trees, rental units, infill, secondary suites, parking, bikes, parks, diversity, the sun, etc. Whatever excuse they can dig up today.
I have to say that I'm shocked with how poorly the trees have done on the SW corner of Centennial Place. It looks like they have been using those self watering bags on them but even the way the planters are designed does not allow for water to collect on them😡.

I'm really blown away with how much better the birch have done at Brookfield in the scorching hot heat, but maybe they're being watered properly there...what an idea!!!
I always thought Calgary had that law as well. My brother in law had to apply to the city to remove a tree....maybe it's certain situations or certain areas?
I know we were warned when working on the mount pleasant fire hall that the trees absolutely could not be damaged otherwise we would be getting a fine of some sort.
