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The shutdowns of sections of Line 1 (later to be done with Line 2) are for installation of automatic train control. In English, this means that instead of two employees per train, there will be one. Computers will operate the train and doors. The employee on the train will be there as a guard. Just like on the SRT. In addition, with PRESTO, they will be able to reduce the number of employees at the fare gates.
I was under the impression that this level of automation won't be implemented until they have platform edge doors installed.
I was under the impression that this level of automation won't be implemented until they have platform edge doors installed.
There are certainly transit agencies who use automated control but manage quite well with no platform edge doors. I think that you may need ATC before you move to platform doors as the train needs to stop in a very precise place but you can certainly have ATC without doors...
Wow. How much are they paying these drivers? That's ridiculous. A Uber trip for an individual going from Scarborough to Downtown costs about $25. I have a hard time understanding why WheelTrans costs more than twice as much when a typical WheelTrans trip would be shorter and has the cost split between multiple people. Even when factoring in the equipment costs it doesn't make any sense to me.
The City budget docs show the TTC Wheel Trans staffing levels, that are increasing by 3 in 2016: - Projecting all-time record of 3.504 million rides in 2015 (up by 12% from 3.127 million rides in 2014)

Permanent Supervisory positions 42
Permanent clerical position 1
Unionised positions 522

They state that vver this period, (2006-2015) 85% more riders were carried while service levels increased by 81% and workforce grew by only 32%, representing a substantial improvement in labour productivity
Aren't a lot of WheelTrans rides contracted out to accessible cabs?

[edit: see page 40 of DSC's PDF link]
The mayor plans to cut the TTC budget by $5 mil in the 2016 budget.

I don't get all this dancing around. Scramble to find money to fund improvements, but try to cut the budget the following year? So he can scramble to find money for improvements again later?
I don't get all this dancing around. Scramble to find money to fund improvements, but try to cut the budget the following year? So he can scramble to find money for improvements again later?

There is no road project in this city that their isn't money for. But hey, "we can't do everything", says the budget chief.
There is no road project in this city that their isn't money for. But hey, "we can't do everything", says the budget chief.
Yep, we have the money to pick one of the more expensive options for the Gardiner, but no money for the TTC.
Yep, we have the money to pick one of the more expensive options for the Gardiner, but no money for the TTC.

Wouldn't we save more money by choosing the LRT over a subway to replace the SRT? There I just saved the city $5 million (actually, more).
I don't get all this dancing around. Scramble to find money to fund improvements, but try to cut the budget the following year? So he can scramble to find money for improvements again later?

What's there not to get? Each year you can announce funding for the TTC and look good for the cameras. Next year, TTC cuts get diluted with all the other more costly things that are talked about during budget time.

Look at this year. Lots of promises had great press conferences and photo ops, but when it came to paying for them, they were either not included or partially funded. When election time comes around, it'll be an easy task to aggregate all the photo ops and say, look how many great things I've done.

Overall, it's a smart political strategy.
If Tory can't find money to pay for his schemes, we should find a new mayor.

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