OT: 4067 and 4137 collision of tanks
There was a collision today at Spadina and Queens Quay where 4067 was making a left turn and was ran into by 4137 going west.
4137 got the worse of it and will be out of action for some time. 4067 needs a new small sliding window as well a front skirt and some body work on the side.
It been said both drivers had the right of way leading to signal problems.
From the looks of the marks on the road, 4067 left the tracks.
A restaging of the event was try twice with switches malfuctioning. In the end, crews work on getting stwiches to work and the 2 cars left for the yard.
509 cars were going north to King on Spadina and then back to Bathurst. 510 were going south, then west to Bathurst and then back by King.
5:45, 509 4067 was the first car to return to Union and was heading southbound at the time. It was follow by a convoy of 509 and 510 coming south. 3 cars then short turn at the loop allowing us to be the first to get on to go north.
Every stop was packed as we head north and was at crush load by King. Driver skip stops until someone wanted off. He would tell riders wanting to get on that there was a string of cars behind him.
When we hit Spadina loop, everything was 7 or more minutes behind us.
When I hit Union before 4 pm, was told to go to Bay St and catch a shuttle. Shuttle bus my eye was my first thought considering I knew nothing was plan for the waterfront at this time and would be better off walking.
Walking was the right choice as I only saw 1 eastbound Orion VIIR at York in my walk.
As I head toward Simcoe Wavedeck, I could see a GMC sitting down the road in the distance. After leaving the wavedeck and head toward Ress deck, the bus was still there. As I past it at Robertson, there was no driver around and it was dead. I said if this one of the shuttle buses, it not anymore.
I could see flashing lights at Spadina and said an accident that cause of no service most likely.
I could see 2 streetcar sitting side by side as I near the intersection with the overhead truck in the westbound curve lane, Chief inspector behind the westbound car and a car facing west in front of the eastbound car.
As I pass the eastbound car, I noticed the skirt was missing.
I was told by the inspector that there was only 3 buses running for shuttle service. When I asked about the GMC, he said it was one of the 3 and a replacement was coming for it.
Never saw any shuttle buses in either direction for close to an hour. At the end, a number of other buses did show up as 510 and 509.
Comments by riders at both ends cannot be said about service or what was taking place. Even the car folks were up sit with buses stopping in the curb lane at Spadina to pickup riders.
3 more years until we will not have to worry about traffic for QQ.
I was talking to someone I know and is a transit advocate who said he found the light signal odd early in the day as he rode the 509.
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