I wonder why the TTC chose to use trolley polls rather than pantographs with the CLRV/ALRV. I don't see any obviously benefit.
I wonder why the TTC chose to use trolley polls rather than pantographs with the CLRV/ALRV. I don't see any obviously benefit.
I wonder why the TTC chose to use trolley polls rather than pantographs with the CLRV/ALRV. I don't see any obviously benefit.
Likely cost... as the whole system of overhead wire would have needed to be replaced too.
I wonder why the TTC chose to use trolley polls rather than pantographs with the CLRV/ALRV. I don't see any obviously benefit.
Likely cost... as the whole system of overhead wire would have needed to be replaced too.
I wonder why the TTC chose to use trolley polls rather than pantographs with the CLRV/ALRV. I don't see any obviously benefit.
.I mean back about 100 years ago when the streetcar network was being built
I wonder why the TTC chose to use trolley polls rather than pantographs with the CLRV/ALRV. I don't see any obviously benefit.
A pole costs less than $200 to replace. A pantograph is over $2000 (and approaching $3000 for specialty, high-speed models).
As well, if a pole dewires you simply go back and put it back on the wire. If a pantograph dewires - which does happen from time-to-time, although not frequently - it can destroy itself or bring down the overhead.
Keep in mind that had the SRT been built as a streetcar line as had originally been intended, that we would have had a small, dedicated fleet of CLRVs with pantographs installed to be used on the line.
Toronto, Ont.