From TTC Surface Ridership (2012), I've calculated the TTC's most profitable surface routes. I calculated it by: (operating costs per day)/(customers per day). Because of our transfer system and fare structure, calculating the profitability of the routes would be difficult, if not impossible, without more customer analytics, but this should give a good idea of which routes are winners and losers:
Streetcar routes had an average cost per customer per day of $1.79
Bus routes had an average cost per customer per day of $2.44
Most profitable:
Route - Cost per customer per day
22 Coxwell - $1.21
64 Main - $1.28
65 Parliament - $1.43
81 Thornecliffe Park - $1.45
126 Christie - $1.50
90 Vaughan - $1.53
63 Ossington - $1.54
35 Jane - $1.55
510 Spadina and 509 Harbourfrount - $1.56
94 Wellesley - $1.64
With the exception of 35 Jane, all of the most profitable routes run south of Eglinton, west of Victoria Park and east of Ossington.
Least profitable:
Route - Cost per customer per day
99 Arrow Road - $13.85 (Doesn't connect with rapid transit)
107 Keele North - $12.07 (Route runs mostly in York Region)
171 Mt.Dennis - $9.35 (Doesen't connect with rapid transit)
97 Yonge - $4.82 (Duplicates Line 1)
80 Queensway - $4.81
169 Huntingwood and 10 Van Horne - $4.63
502 Downtowner and 503 Kingston Rd - $4.60
115 Silver Hills - $4.50
98 Willowdale-Senlac - $4.47
120 Calvington - $4.45