This is actually our legacy. Collectively, most Toronto voters decided that this was the Toronto they were willing to pay for.
Why is everyone pulling a shocked pikachu face when it actually ends up being as dystopian as was foretold?
I think we need to step back from that.
When voter turn out is 29%........ 71% of everyone didn't get off their tush to vote.
I'm profoundly unhappy about that; but at the same time, I don't think we should read that as an endorsement of the status quo.
There are a variety of reasons for people sitting on their hands.......... some more legitimate than others; but in general, I would suggest, there is a mixture both of those for whom 'civics' is a bit foreign (and btw, I'm completely apply this to people born here); but also, I suspect, a large number of people who have lost hope that voting changes anything. While that is frankly a poor excuse for not voting, it also can't be read as a 'vote for the incumbent'.
I also think we need to talk about media coverage......
Gil's campaign may have been underwhelming, but as the leading alternative to Tory his campaign was given scant attention by the press. Issues were mostly ignored, and policies rarely discussed.
A voter compass (CBC's favourite thing) is not an engaging tool that tells you why your vote is important, why democracy matters, and why democracy only works when you vote.
Here's a notion for you.
Here at UT, most members are relatively well educated, middle or upper-middle income and able to engage with commercial development and public infrastructure projects on an informed level.
Yet, very few people take the time at UT to go read the Council reports (even though I link to them); very few take the time to search the Lobbyist Registry; only a handful look at public tender documents. I was looking at one thread I started last month, which got 200+ views and not a single reaction or post.
If that's what's going on in a forum of relatively engaged and informed people; how do we expect those less informed and less engaged to get engaged?
Most voters don't read UT (as much as they should); most don't read Matt Elliott (as much as they should)...........
There's a challenge there.