The City is looking at widening the underpass. (Of course, not bridge. Thanks Lemur!)
Request for Proposal Call number: 9118-13-7167
Commodity: Professional Services, Consulting Services
Description: St. Clair Avenue West Railway Underpass Structure and Road Improvements Functional Planning Study
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a qualified professional transportation engineering consultant team to complete a transportation planning study to develop, identify, and evaluate short-term and long-term alternative options to address the traffic operations and safety conditions along St. Clair Avenue West between Keele Street and Old Weston Road. St. Clair Avenue in this location passes under the GO Weston Subdivision (Kitchener Line) and CP Mactier Subdivision rail corridor, and general traffic lanes are reduced to one in each direction. The underpass is shared with dedicated streetcar tracks, one set in each direction.
The study will scope and assess all alternatives to improve traffic conditions on St. Clair Avenue West within the study area, including local intersection improvements, alternative road connections, utilization of the TTC right-of-way by automobile traffic, and widening of the St. Clair Avenue rail underpass. Each alternative is to be investigated to a Functional Planning level of detail. The Vendor will also be required to identify all associated costs and implementation issues and constraints.
The study will yield a Functional Planning Report (FPR) which will form the basis for a subsequent Environmental Assessment study of feasible infrastructure improvements.
A total fee (including $15,000 client contingency and HST) in the range of $300,000 - $350,000 has been estimated for this work. Please note that this amount is only an approximation and does not reflect the total amount that will be paid to any selected consultant. This amount is for information only and should not form the basis of any submission.
Issue date: June 7, 2013 Closing date: June 27, 2013
at 12:00 Noon
Notes: Viewing Copy
9118-13-7167 Viewing Copy.pdf (605 Kbytes) - Posted on 06/07/2013 11:17:30 AM