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Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Sorry Ed, that's what I meant. Usually they seem to finish a floor on a Friday but don't seem to start putting walls up for the next floor till the mid part of the next week and finish again by Friday or Saturday morning. I guess this week seemed a bit faster.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Wow nice update thank! I love how spire is turning out! I like the glass on the west one tower, nice and dark! I like how the stern tower is looking, i expected worse so im happy.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

"I think Context surfaced the underside of the balcony slabs at Radio City, hopefully they do so at Spire also." Last time I checked out Radio City (recently), the answer is no. No surfaced undersides.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Noticed white pre-cast on the north face of the four storey part of Spire that runs north on Church. Oh well. Photos in the AM.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

This came out of left field.


Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

I like that the curved corner of Metropolis matches (in shape and size) the curved GAP across the street. This could end up looking okay.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

"I think Context surfaced the underside of the balcony slabs at Radio City, hopefully they do so at Spire also." Last time I checked out Radio City (recently), the answer is no. No surfaced undersides.

I stand corrected. I went by Radio City today and indeed, the underside of the balcony slabs are unfinished. If Context is consistant, Spire balconies will be the same. Kind of a shame, but I think the tinted glass balcony railings distract from the unfinished undersides so I guess it works.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

still too early to say if the balconies underbellies will remain unfinished or not at Radio City
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Isn't Radio City completed already?
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

i like the coloured panels on spire,turning out well.also i like the fact that west one has much darker cladding than all
the hve buildings.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Looks like pre-cast for the whole of 4 storey part of Spire. Pre-cast on the east and west sides went up today.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

was quite a shock when i saw them installing pre-cast ed. i'm going to wait to pass judgement in hopes that they do something interesting with it. perhaps incorporating the coloured sections from the tower?
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

Is the glass actually darker on West One compared to HVE? I remember seeing construction photos of HVE and thinking how dark and reflective the glass was, but once people moved it the entire building seemed to change colour.
Re: Update: 2006.05.02 - Spire, RoCP, Metropolis, Stern, mor

still too early to say if the balconies underbellies will remain unfinished or not at Radio City

Both buildings at Radio City have been fully occupied (save for a handful of unsold units) since about last August so I don't think it's going to happen now.
