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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Club Sport got turfed thanks to the flooding in the area. From what I've heard they didn't want to be on the flood plain after seeing what happened, which makes sense for a hotel.
Club Sport was possibly another model of equity raising akin to putting condos on top: selling sports club memberships. There were other clubs floated at the time that also went nowhere. Flooding is a weak sauce argument for the cancellation - there just wasn’t a market for what they were trying to sell.

“ The 60,000-square-foot ClubSport will be part workout facility and part social club. Members will have access to the fitness resort, the hotel’s restaurant and bar, the day spa, the business services, the meeting rooms and more.”
Article mentions a mixed use development between Perkins and Will and Hon Developments in Chinatown at 128 3rd Avenue SW. Anyone know what this is?

The cancelled Chinatown project that everyone is bummed out about.
Still a ways to go but good to see some momentum

There' not much to lose I'm sure they can get a reasonable lease rate. Though the mall is dead, the area around it is super busy, maybe it'll catch on.
This story is from Edmonton, but I can see this having an effect in Calgary as well. A judge in Edmonton ruled that condo boards are allowed to enforce rules against Airbnb suites. With the precedence set, I wonder how many other condo boards will be looking to turf Airbnb suites?

I think a few condo boards have done that, but not sure if it's legally held up until now.

I've used Airbnb myself, and it's been good, but I wouldn't want airbnb units in my building, so I'm not surprised condo boards are against it.
the royal just did this
The Royal has right in its bylaws you can’t rent out short term. I checked when considering buying a unit, as I don’t care to be in a building with a bunch of Airbnb going on in it. Glad to see they are actually enforcing it. Some new builds I looked at just gave a shoulder shrug, can’t stop it answer.
I wouldn't want to be in a building with airbnb units happening. I've heard a few horror stories. Nothing against airbnb, but either have the whole building airbnb or have it in your own SFH. Maybe that'll be a niche market for a developer? Build something very basic and cheap that's geared only at low cost airbnb or short term rentals. The building could even have a front desk/doorman/concierge person, if you marketed the building that way from the start, you might get enough investors to build. I stayed at an airbnb in Chicago where the whole building was airbnb type rentals. It only had 6 floors, but was a nice newer building. A bachelor suite was $70 a night.
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^^ Montreal has one of those UC currently.
Urban Development Committee voted to create a Downtown District to ensure that development doesn't end up competing with Victoria Park. Possible discussion on selling Telus Convention Centre to consolidate events at BMO Centre.

Urban Development Committee voted to create a Downtown District to ensure that development doesn't end up competing with Victoria Park. Possible discussion on selling Telus Convention Centre to consolidate events at BMO Centre.

According to the map, the 'district' is going to extend north of Arts Commons/Olympic Plaza to 5 Ave. In between, there are several unappealing buildings .. ie. old CBE, old library, current Imagine Health Centre, the apartment building that had structural issues. What in the hell are they going to do in those blocks to make it part of a destination?? ?
