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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Silvera for Seniors is redesignating their large, under-developed parcel in Bridgeland, to the east of the current bridges site. The land is seen here in google maps:
View attachment 307055
Here is the land use application:
They have an engagement website hp:

Some of the concept images here (keep in mind this is only land use, so these are truly just concepts at this stage):
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The land use for this parcel in Bridgeland goes to CPC next week.
Planning report:
Proposed DC:
Applicant Outreach:
CA response:
Tiny pathway, big grievances: Pathway changes prompt development angst

A tiny gravel footpath lined with lilac bushes, in West Hillhurst has become a focal point for area opposition to increasing development.

“It's like a monstrosity sitting on the corner. And it is not, it's just not feasible," she said. "As I'm saying, they are ghettoizing our, our community”

The walkway pre-dates Kensington Rd and most of 19 St. Its roots were as a local pathway to connect to Dairy Lane Milk Bar as it was known back then. Pic is from ~1950. Note the proposed 5-storey is going on the 2 homes directly south of the path but the home on the corner lot will remain.

I don’t remember which thread it was in, but there was some discussion about multi family row homes of 4-6 unit and how they becoming so popular. Here are a few from Pleasant Heights all on one intersection.

They seem to be going up on every corner, and personally I like this option I think it’s a decent compromise for adding density on streets that aren’t main retail corridors.

12 units on a quiet residential intersection, that they’re barely noticeable from the single family homes around them, yet a bunch of these builds can add a fair bit of density.


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Foothill/McMahon Stadium concept plan

New foothills/McMahon Stadium area concept.....sign me up!
The pdf of the Foothills Athletic Park / McMahon Stadium concept was posted here by The Familia back on May 8th if anyone is interested
City is starting to study the underpass at the 11St CPR line. This should have been done when they created the Kerby station as part of the WLRT. Better late than never though!
How would vehicles, trucks and semis, cross between downtown and beltline if they don't fit through underpasses! I always thought 11 st is at grade for that reason
Owners (now FDF Brandz) of the Humpty's site on 16th avenue and Home Road/46 ST are applying for a re-zone from Residential/Highway Commercial to all three properties to Mixed Use.
  • Looking to build 6-8 stories "Landmark/Signature" building
  • Purchase the alley from the City
  • First floor retail
  • Second floor medical
  • Floors 3-6 residential (TBD for sale or rent)
  • Floors 7-8 Land owners Corporate Head Offices
  • Rooftop patios above residences
  • Rooftop patios above the Corporate Head Office
  • Timmy's wants no involvement
Looks like a major improvement and will be interesting if they get approved for the extra floors. That corridor is only zoned for 6 stories.

It has been noted. It’s related to development of a Canadian Tire.
If only a Canadian Tire, which will require a lot of surface parking, that is big disappointment. The original concept for that site was something called The Village at Deerfoot Meadows. It was supposed to be an assortment of boutique retail, restaurants etc.
Have a question hopefully someone can answer, why do we so rarely add landscaping, bushes, naturalized planting or street trees in these line assignments particularly in non-residential areas and on collector or arterial streets? why are these always barren grass strips and any planting is on the private land?
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View attachment 328659
Why is this condition absolutely everywhere in Calgary? Do transportation engineers just want clear site lines as far as the eye can see and nothing for vehicles to hit if they go off the road? Also i'm aware Calgary doesn't naturally grow trees but why is this not naturalized ground cover, bushes and trees?
Mostly every other city in Canada plants these areas, why do we insist on the entire city looking like an unkempt lawn or an out-of-business golf course we still mow for some reason?
For example a collector in Surrey:
View attachment 328660
Edmonton adding trees:
View attachment 328661

Might be a dumb question but i'm sure someone on here knows why we collectively decide grass = good and naturalized landscaping and trees = bad, or some other likely more nuanced reason why the city looks the way it does.
I ask because where i live and walk around all of the roadways have this and it looks way better:
View attachment 328662

Great question! It's being discussed in the "Trees in Calgary" thread. I believe the discussion started here:
