I'll pitch in here with my thanks to Ed and the whole gang who long preceded my presence on these pages and built them into a wonderful message board and research archive for development-related issues.
Having stumbled on this site just a few years ago, I found a treasure trove of interesting info; interesting people; and new opportunities to stand on my soapbox and rant about things I care about, LOL.
While at one level it would be easy to overestimate the influence this place has had, does have on the City; it would be even easier to underestimate it. Like Spacing magazine, Blog T.O., Torontonist and other blogs and forums that care for the City it has a become a second-home to many of us who care passionately about this city and many people who work for government, developers, architecture and engineering firms, media outlets and NGOs all read these pages. Pages whose ideas do often seep into the greater consciousness of this City and I think that's all for the Good!
Many Happy Returns to UT; may it live long, and proper (no points for getting that pop cultural reference)