Developer: Westbank
Architect: Henriquez Partners Architects
Address: Robson Street and Richards Street, Vancouver, Canada
Category: Commercial (Office), Residential
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2016
Height: 443 ft / 135.02 mStoreys: 53 storeys
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Here are some shots of the condo tower from the alley and the lane between the Kingston Hotel and office tower.

Jan.31 '16, my pics

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The very top edge of the Richards Street side is looking clean and finished now. Still some balcony railings and glass to install in the top section. Last pic is an evening twilight image.

March 10 '16, my pics

Demolition of the old parking structure that used to occupy this site started in June of 2012. There is still work to be done in the upper section so this could stretch to four years since action started on this site.

Aug.15 '13, my pic

July 18 '14, my pic

Dec.8 '14, my pic

Feb.11 '15, my pic

June 30 '15, my pic

Sept.22 '15, my pic

March 26 '16, my pic
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