From SSP:

Nov 29:

This morning with some fresh snow.



Nov 30:

My photos from Sunday:

IMG_0936 by 604 City, on Flickr

IMG_0982 by 604 City, on Flickr

IMG_0987 by 604 City, on Flickr

IMG_1006 by 604 City, on Flickr

Dec 1:

Took a photo last Monday from Burrard

From Yellow Fever at SSC posted Dec 10th:

From SSP today:

Today just before 4pm. I was at Georgia & Thurlow and as carefully as I could,
I counted the floors, but the ground ones are difficult to see, and like previous attempts, I made the boarded-up window at about 32, so they're at 55 now.
I believe there are 4 more to go, making total of 59 actual floors, not counting those 8 ghost stories which will make 67 as per Skyscraper thread title. Then there's the roof. Looking most impressive.:D
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