Finalizing the right of way between Smiths Falls and Toronto Union and right of way acquisition? Seems to me the next steps.
There’s really no reason to convey the land until procurement has been completed, and that is only promised to start this fall. I would hope for tackling whatever long-lead items create risk (and hence higher bid price) for the RFP.. That might well mean working with CN/CP to upgrade their lines especially through Montreal choke points. That work won’t be part of the bid process. And it’s mostly needed/valuable even if HFR somehow fell through.
For that matter, an early start on the Ottawa-Montreal portion, which is a low ticket price proposition, might generate quick gains that could be used to rebut any lingering opposition.
Putting a token service through Trois Rivieres might be a political priority even without track improvement, a la GO to London.
Or maybe there’s urgency for a down payment on further trainset orders. Or track material and signal procurement.
- Paul
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