Riverdale Rink Rat
Senior Member
From his description, it sounds like he's absolutely right. It sounds terrible!
Who decided that a bunch of sports stadiums with huge surface parking lots were a good idea for the waterfront? I thought we were trying to get away from that.
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LDL doesn't have room for arenas and parking lots here in South Canuckistan? While I'm sympathetic with the Waterfront vision, IMO an arena is a great idea for part of this site. You're going to have a huge whack of new people living in WDL, Distillery, and LDL (not to mention Harbourfront) and only crappy old Moss Park Arena nearby. What's wrong with letting puckheads have an arena? What's wrong with having a parking lot that can handle the huge whack of people we want to use the new parks/restaurants/playing fields? I can understand wanting to landscape things, but something like the playing fields/landscaping/parking lots/movie theatres/OTB parlour put in at Woodbine Beach north of Lakeshore could work for everyone. Those parking lots are used as much by people going to see fireworks as people going to piss away their life savings on Hong Kong horse races...
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