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I was having a discussion with someone on Twitter about how the negative reaction to Trump is threatening to turn some reliably Republicans state blue. Georgia comes to mind and even though Utah is conservative, they hate him and would rather vote for Clinton. Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky could also reject the GOP.
This would lead to the GOP having a civil war amongst themselves, which would always be a good thing for the Democrats. Eventually, Republicans who don't like Trump would split off to create a new Conservative party. With two conservative parties, it would be easier for the Democrats to win future elections.
What is this obsession with ethnic backgrounds?
In the case of Elizabeth Warren, it is not an actual ethnic background that he is attacking. It is a bogus, mythical, family story background. Not the biggest deal, all of us have dodgy claims in our family histories, and she seems to have believed in her (tiny, long ago) native heritage sincerely. That it reached a stage where a place like Harvard claimed a law professor to be Native American because that professor was told as a kid that some gr-gr-gr-grandmother was part Cherokee is a little bit funny, fair game for low-grade comedy satirizing identity politics. Still, a constant refrain of "Pocohantas" probably would be offensive to actual Native Americans. And certainly fails on any measure of being "presidential'.
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Today's rally--

NYTnickcJun 10, 9:15pm via Twitter Web Client
Trump: "And Pocahontas is not happy. She’s the worst." Crowd responds making fake Indian war chants

Followed by the daily "I'm not racist" slogan...

ddale812:23pm via Twitter for iPhone
Trump is citing Don King's endorsement as proof he's not a bigot...except Don King didn't endorse him.

Ben Jacobs @Bencjacobs
Donald Trump: "Do you think Don King is going to endorse a racist?"

On the plus side, Roseanne Barr and Tela Tequila both endorsed Trump this week...
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Today's rally--

NYTnickcJun 10, 9:15pm via Twitter Web Client
Trump: "And Pocahontas is not happy. She’s the worst." Crowd responds making fake Indian war chants

Followed by the daily "I'm not racist" slogan...

ddale812:23pm via Twitter for iPhone
Trump is citing Don King's endorsement as proof he's not a bigot...except Don King didn't endorse him.

Ben Jacobs @Bencjacobs
Donald Trump: "Do you think Don King is going to endorse a racist?"

On the plus side, Roseanne Barr and Tela Tequila both endorsed Trump this week...

Trump hasn't changed at all since the primaries. The only difference is that he no longer brags about his poll numbers, since crooked Hillary is beating him.
Commenting on worst mass shooting in US history...

dale8 12:49pm via Twitter Web Client
"Appreciate the congrats," presidential nominee says hours after massacre:

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

And then this--

ddale8 2:08pm via Twitter Web Client
As the president asks God to bring the families strength to "bear the unbearable," the Republican nominee tweets:

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!
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I would love to know who called up Trump to congratulate him on "being right on Islamic terrorism."
How come people suddenly call upon God (my thoughts and prayers are with...I'm praying for; pray for Paris; pray for Brussels, etc...); especially those with no religious convictions, when a massacre takes place? At all other times God is shunned. People that generally advocate for separation of church and state seem to have no problem with our leaders referencing God during crises (Obama and Tory, for instance). Who are atheists praying to exactly? Why is prayer suddenly fashionable when a chaotic event takes place? We've gone to such great lengths to remove God from our culture, then we suddenly seek Him when we need direction and comfort? Now watch millions on Twitter post useless graphics and feign devastation, so they can feel like they've made some sort of difference. If ones prayers aren't real, then what good will they do? Obviously what happened in Orlando is horrible, but how many people genuinely feel sadness for individuals they never knew? Most of the people who pretend to be reeling in pain will forget about this in a few days and move on with their lives, unchanged. There's this fetishitization of artificial tears that are shed as a result of mass murder that make people feel like they are social justice heroes.

Predictably, Obama and others have exploited the victims and have already called for gun control. Funny how democrats seize opportunities like this to push for gun reform, yet they completely ignore the majority of gun related deaths by hand guns. Why don't they care about the black kids in Chicago that are murdering each other every day? Why not be philosophically consistent and ban all guns?
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It must be hard for the anti-gay conservatives to have compassion for the people who were killed, since they never liked them before.
It must be hard for the anti-gay conservatives to have compassion for the people who were killed, since they never liked them before.
Anti-gay conservatives? Did you completely miss my point? I was calling people out for their disingenuousness. Compassion is great, but how many people that claim to be heartbroken truly are? Who are they praying to when most of them don't even believe in God, and probably condemn Him when it's convenient. This has nothing to do with gay people, but victims, in general (irrespective of their religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc.), that are murdered in large numbers. I'm not lumping everyone together, but let's be real. Many people just latch onto things like this because it's trendy to look sympathetic. It gives one a sense of comfort that they are doing the right thing (regardless if their hearts are in their words or not). If one is honestly saddened by what occurred, then there's no fault in that, but if you don't believe in God, stop pretending that you're praying. That's just an empty gesture.
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I wasn't replying to you, just making an observation. The same people saying that gay people are sick and posting transphobic memes on Facebook suddenly care about the victims of the shooting. This was an attack at a gay club and people are already trying to erase that detail.
Sorry. My mistake.

Obama is such a buffoon. This is an excerpt from a speech re the shooting:

"The place where they were attacked is more than a nightclub. It is a place of solidarity and empowerment, where people have come together to raise awareness, to speak their minds and to advocate for their civil rights."

People go to gay nightclubs to raise awareness and advocate for civil rights? Don't they go to dance and perhaps pick up a stranger to take home?
All this "thoughts and prayers" BS after every mass shooting has done absolutely nothing for anybody. What the victims really need is the government to take meaningful action to reduce the staggering amount of gun deaths in this pathetic nation.
All this "thoughts and prayers" BS after every mass shooting has done absolutely nothing for anybody. What the victims really need is the government to take meaningful action to reduce the staggering amount of gun deaths in this pathetic nation.
It's done nothing because it isn't genuine. And people have a misconception about prayer in that they expect that whatever they ask for will/ought to be answered precisely as they want. That's not how prayer works.

We were given free will and as a result of that, incidents like this will always occur. It's not up to God to intervene, but we, as humans, to live in a way that is respectful of others. Besides, why should God suddenly rush to our aid when faced with tragedy, when we give Him no thought, otherwise? In times like these people ask: Where is God? He's been there for us all along and few have bothered to seek Him. Don't blame God for our earthly troubles. We want to live a life free of God? Well, this is what you get.

Salsa, what meaningful action should the government take? How does one eliminate mass murder? If you remove the guns, then what is to stop one from using other means; explosives, for instance? Anyone that has their mind set on killing innocent civilians will find a way to carry our their objective. Many people's livelihoods depend upon the use of guns to hunt for food. They shouldn't have their guns taken from them, if that is what you are implying.
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