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May 11, 2009
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I always wonder why the US has so many issues with immigration, yet in Canada it seems to be a cornerstone to the city's success. In the US, people from Texas, California and Arizona believe that immigration is destroying the state.

I go to University, and most non-white people speak near perfect English, dress in Western clothing, and fit in just fine. But in the US, Mexicans [allegedly] refuse to learn English, drain the welfare system, and increase gang activity.

I understand many of the hispanics in the US are illegal, but if that's the case, then why do democrats continue to be soft on illegal immigration and offer them amnesty and birth right citizenship?
Because about the only people that vote for the Dems are immigrants... :p

Is immigration really a success in Canada though?

I see most folks hanging out in their own ethnic/cultural groups, esp at UW and of course at work.
I always wonder why the US has so many issues with immigration, yet in Canada it seems to be a cornerstone to the city's success. In the US, people from Texas, California and Arizona believe that immigration is destroying the state.

I go to University, and most non-white people speak near perfect English, dress in Western clothing, and fit in just fine. But in the US, Mexicans [allegedly] refuse to learn English, drain the welfare system, and increase gang activity.

I understand many of the hispanics in the US are illegal, but if that's the case, then why do democrats continue to be soft on illegal immigration and offer them amnesty and birth right citizenship?

Immigration, or as I like to call it, 'moving' :D is successful everywhere.

I think you can find just as many non-white English speaking and Western dressing peeps in those States as you do in the T dot. Just as you would find those who drain the welfare state. The welfare system itself is gang activity.… soooo, the solution is to abolish citizenry and the welfare state.
America has seen a rapidly widening gap between its upper and middle classes. (So has Canada but less so.) As the middle class finds themselves mired in debt due to an unfair tax burden, medical costs and stagnating wages, they look for scapegoats to blame for their lot in life. They should probably blame corporate interests and governments who don't have their best interests at heart. But it's a lot easier to blame people who look different and talk funny.
I always wonder why the US has so many issues with immigration, yet in Canada it seems to be a cornerstone to the city's success. In the US, people from Texas, California and Arizona believe that immigration is destroying the state.

I go to University, and most non-white people speak near perfect English, dress in Western clothing, and fit in just fine. But in the US, Mexicans [allegedly] refuse to learn English, drain the welfare system, and increase gang activity.

I understand many of the hispanics in the US are illegal, but if that's the case, then why do democrats continue to be soft on illegal immigration and offer them amnesty and birth right citizenship?

I think you just answered your question right there. Many hispanics in the US are illegal. If an immigrant doesn't have legal status, that right there already increases the boundaries between those people and their new country and and wider society around them, on top of the other existing boundaries, like language. How can an immigrant be integrated into their new society if they don't even have legal status? Just think about it. The government does not recognize them as "American", so how can you expect them to be "American"?

The US does have a tougher stance on immigration than Canada. And so do countries like France, UK, Germany, etc. Does the tough stance really work? I think the Democrats have it right. It is the Republicans and their tough anti-immigration policy, such as the government sanctioning of racial profiling in Arizona, are what makes immigration in those places less successful than in Canada.

I see most folks hanging out in their own ethnic/cultural groups, esp at UW and of course at work.

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I think you just answered your question right there. Many hispanics in the US are illegal. If an immigrant doesn't have legal status, that right there already increases the boundaries between those people and their new country and and wider society around them, on top of the other existing boundaries, like language. How can an immigrant be integrated into their new society if they don't even have legal status? Just think about it. The government does not recognize them as "American", so how can you expect them to be "American"?

The US does have a tougher stance on immigration than Canada. And so do countries like France, UK, Germany, etc. Does the tough stance really work? I think the Democrats have it right. It is the Republicans and their tough anti-immigration policy, such as the government sanctioning of racial profiling in Arizona, are what makes immigration in those places less successful than in Canada.


That Arizona Bill controversy is so ridiculous. The fact that people like Bill Maher have compared it to Nazi Germany speaks volumes about their mental state. I do not understand how it is unreasonable to expect citizens of America to have PROOF. If you're not illegal than you really have nothing to worry about. Instead of comparing it to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, why not compare it to having membership to an exclusive club? Afterall, there are requirements to legally immigrate into America or Canada.

I think the lax stance of immigration is absurd. If the only solution to illegal immigration is to give illegals citizenship, than why have borders at all? The only solution to illegal immigration in the US is the secure the border.
Ever heard of 'innocent until proven guilty'? Or do we assume everyone is a criminal? Seems like a scary place to live.

Most problems America has with immigrants occur simply because it's much more xenophobic than Canada. Which is really sad. Mexican immigrants are some of the hardest working people I've seen and work for absolutely shit pay doing jobs indigenous people would not. America and Canada are both countries built on the backs of immigrants and this strange dislike of people obviously brave enough to leave everything behind in search of a better life elsewhere is quite stupid and bad for the economy.
Have you been living under a rock....In the last year Parkdale has had an invasion of Gypsies, some estimate it at 3000-5000, these people dont work, dont send their kids to school, dont speak english, hang out in packs and as sure as hell are all draining the system. sad :(
Have you been living under a rock....In the last year Parkdale has had an invasion of Gypsies, some estimate it at 3000-5000, these people dont work, dont send their kids to school, dont speak english, hang out in packs and as sure as hell are all draining the system. sad :(
These people?

That sounds like racism.
America has seen a rapidly widening gap between its upper and middle classes. (So has Canada but less so.) As the middle class finds themselves mired in debt due to an unfair tax burden, medical costs and stagnating wages, they look for scapegoats to blame for their lot in life. They should probably blame corporate interests and governments who don't have their best interests at heart. But it's a lot easier to blame people who look different and talk funny.

100% on the money, and its added to by the fact that America's policymakers truly don't care about massive swaths of the population, and the US media is a bunch of lame, narrow-minded parrots who want to keep political mayhem so that they can keep having big stories to cover. Policy decisions aren't all that interesting - but loud, angry, nasty, racist clowns opposing them get attention, and helping cause constant political fights is. They got drunk off that crap with President Clinton and the Republican Congress fighting with each other in the 90s, and now they want that state of affairs again and are trying hard to get it - forgetting the fact that the Republicans want to make all of America's problems that much worse, in order to benefit themselves and heartless cocksuckers (lobbyists) who pay them.

It's hard to go after a system, but its nice and easy to stir hatred towards newcomers. And with the United States' economic problems, you will see far, far more of that anger in the decade ahead. See America hit another economic speedbump like in 2008-09, and you'll probably be seeing video footage of race riots as a result.
That Arizona Bill controversy is so ridiculous. The fact that people like Bill Maher have compared it to Nazi Germany speaks volumes about their mental state. I do not understand how it is unreasonable to expect citizens of America to have PROOF. If you're not illegal than you really have nothing to worry about. Instead of comparing it to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, why not compare it to having membership to an exclusive club? Afterall, there are requirements to legally immigrate into America or Canada.

I think the lax stance of immigration is absurd. If the only solution to illegal immigration is to give illegals citizenship, than why have borders at all? The only solution to illegal immigration in the US is the secure the border.

Securing a border as long as that between the US and Mexico is impossible, especially with the differences in living conditions between them, unless you want to turn the US border into the Berlin Wall, and erect another such wall along the Rio Grande River which marks the Texas-Mexico Border. Aside from annexing Mexico and improving its living standards or sealing off the borderand seriously crimping trade across it, fixing the policy is nigh-on impossible. As far as Arizona's law, the police have to have suspicion, supposedly - but how does one get suspicion that somebody is an illegal immigrant? It may not be intended to cause state-sanctioned racial profiling (though the bill WAS written by a borderline Neo-Nazi), but it will in practice absolutely be used as such. If I was Hispanic and lived in Arizona, I'd be getting the hell out, pronto, before I forget my wallet one day and end up in Mexico as a consequence. As far as citizenship goes, I think they should set up a path for those people to be able to get it, and crack down hard on people who employ illegals.
Ever heard of 'innocent until proven guilty'? Or do we assume everyone is a criminal? Seems like a scary place to live.
Ask the Mexicans. They shoot first and ask questions later when dealing with illegal immigrants along their border with Central America. Arizona is a walk in the park compared to that (not that I necessarily approve of Arizona's approach).

These people?

That sounds like racism.
No, you have to say those people or you people for it to rise to the level of sounding like racism.
That Arizona Bill controversy is so ridiculous. The fact that people like Bill Maher have compared it to Nazi Germany speaks volumes about their mental state.

He compares it to Nazi Germany because it is like Nazi Germany.

I do not understand how it is unreasonable to expect citizens of America to have PROOF. If you're not illegal than you really have nothing to worry about.

No all you have to do is worry about harassment from police and having documents proving your legal status on you at all times, just because of your ethnicity. Like in Nazi Germany.

Instead of comparing it to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, why not compare it to having membership to an exclusive club?

So it makes more sense to compare the government policies of the State of Arizona to a country club than to that of another state or former state?

Afterall, there are requirements to legally immigrate into America or Canada.

Immigration requirements are requirements for immigrants. Even if forcing people to carry citizenship papers on their bodies at all times while outside didn't make this the stupidest law ever, the fact that it forces non-immigrants who were born in the US and has never left the US to be subject to routine inspections just because of their ethnicity means that it is still the stupidest law ever.

I think the lax stance of immigration is absurd. If the only solution to illegal immigration is to give illegals citizenship, than why have borders at all?

You believe that the sole purpose of borders is to restrict the permanent migration flows of people? 4 real?

The only solution to illegal immigration in the US is the secure the border.

Judging from this post, I think it pretty obvious to anyone what your motivation is for these threads about race and immigration.
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Ask the Mexicans. They shoot first and ask questions later when dealing with illegal immigrants along their border with Central America. Arizona is a walk in the park compared to that (not that I necessarily approve of Arizona's approach).

No, you have to say those people or you people for it to rise to the level of sounding like racism.

It's always a great policy to sacrifice our principles and imitate developing states.
If Canada had the same issues with illegal immigration we might be singing a different tune. As it is, we don't share a border with a developing nation and have millions of poor people flooding across our borders. Now if we had boatloads of Tamils showing up in Toronto harbor daily it would be a completely different story the least of which being the burdens large numbers of illegals place on urban and state infrastructure.
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