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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Hi Kooch,

Sorry to hear you have so much issues!, I transferred my old bell service from my other location, they did not hook it up on the date that I asked them to, but after 1 week when I actually start to use it, I have to call them and they actually come and fixed. The reason they gave me for not being able to hook it up is that the Bell rep need to access my suite to fix the issue, while the 2nd rep did not go into my suite and fix the issue!.

I'm currently using rogers free TV/internet/phone now, so I have 2 internet connections now, one is free trial and the other is my old bell one. I don't believe the one I have is HD, maybe I should ask Steve and see if I could switch.

Anyways, welcome to Wilshire :)
Hi Koff,

I get the door stopper from the guy too, I think his name is Chris. he charge me $20 for the door stopper and he said installation is free. He told me he'll drop off brochure for the security system (system itself is free) but he did not drop it off yesterday.

Hey One eye wonder,

I got the door stopper from the guy; I figured that it would cost about the same as what he was charging for me do it myself - item plus gas at $1.50/L ( I think he is also offering security systems to protect your Renoirs and Monets or Group of Sevens...hey, u gotta support the local stuff. :)

By the way, I have to check my documents, but are we allowed to drill into the walls to hang stuff before final closing?

When I moved in, Alexandra told me that only food waste (organic) should go down shute, garbage and recycling stuff should go to the dump, and she'll notify us when the sorter is working properly, did the sorter work now? If so, I'm doing more exercise by taking my garbage down and outside lol. I also got the door stopper from the guy, did he charge you for $20 too? He told me he'll be here to install security system for someone and would left me a brochure yesterday, but I think he forgot. With the operating hour of our local mail pickup location, there's no way I could pick up my mail from there unless I take a day off... hopefully norstar did not sent any mail to that location that is time sensitive, or we could blame them not to have a safe passage for mail delivery to be done so we can receive the mail.

Hey guys

Here on the 5th floor wallpaper just started, from what I know the big cardboard and ect is to be put in the dump by the delivery doors, also the garbage and food waste can be thrown Dow the Shute, but guys let's keep it clean,also anyone get the door stopper from the guy that's come around lately? And what about the closed circuit video from the area ppl come in,are we supposed to get that?
Hi Bruizman,

No, you do not need a landline, you can set it up with your cell phone as well, I set mine up with my cell phone and I can buzz myself in lol.

Does anyone know if I need a landline phone to work with the lobby door to buzz people up?
Can anyone confirm for me whether Alexandra or the builder has to give us notice before coming into our units? I could have sworn that I read that 24 hours written notice was necessary.
Hi Bloomingsmurf,

Why you ask? something happened? I thought it is common sense for condo that they have to give at leat 24 hour notice, and can't be more than 72 hours, to enter your suite to do any work. I was puzzled by one of the notice I saw for other unit that saying repair will be done on some units during one week, and can't give specific date and time. I don't think that is legal. Can someone with firm knowledge to confirm this? I want to know too :)

Can anyone confirm for me whether Alexandra or the builder has to give us notice before coming into our units? I could have sworn that I read that 24 hours written notice was necessary.
I'm asking because Alexandra entered my apartment on Tuesday with the builder without giving me any kind of notice. I happened to be home with the stomach flu but otherwise, I would have had no idea they had been there. A letter was posted to my door the previous week saying that the builder needed access to my unit from Monday to Thursday of last week. I noticed on Thursday that they'd been inside too.

I'm really annoyed for several reasons. First of all, that's my condo and they have no right to enter whenever they think I'm not home. Secondly, I don't want any of my belongings stolen and when the proprietor doesn't know you're in the unit, it makes for a crime of opportunity. Thirdly, there's a huge safety issue. Fourthly, they could trip the alarm and who's going to pay for that false alarm? There are many reasons but I just thought I would get some feedback because I was sure that they had to give notice before entering. It really irritates me!

Hi Bloomingsmurf,

Why you ask? something happened? I thought it is common sense for condo that they have to give at leat 24 hour notice, and can't be more than 72 hours, to enter your suite to do any work. I was puzzled by one of the notice I saw for other unit that saying repair will be done on some units during one week, and can't give specific date and time. I don't think that is legal. Can someone with firm knowledge to confirm this? I want to know too :)
Hi Bloomingsmurf,

Now that you mentioned it, I did have one day that I suspected that someone entered my suite, and there is no notice at all. I cleaned the floor of the whole units the night before, and after I got home the next day, there are noticeable amount of dust/sand in my kitchen (I can feel it with my shoes, and it is not the sand from my shoe that got carried in from outside). I think I'll talk to Alexandra and raise this concern, cause I wouldn't want anyone to enter my unit without proper notification. I should put my webcam on all day and record whatever happened in my unit lol, and have it sent screen capture to my email.

You should talk to Alexandra and raise this concern too, as I think the notice of "we'll be in your unit to fix something next week, but I don't know when" is crap.

I'm asking because Alexandra entered my apartment on Tuesday with the builder without giving me any kind of notice. I happened to be home with the stomach flu but otherwise, I would have had no idea they had been there. A letter was posted to my door the previous week saying that the builder needed access to my unit from Monday to Thursday of last week. I noticed on Thursday that they'd been inside too.

I'm really annoyed for several reasons. First of all, that's my condo and they have no right to enter whenever they think I'm not home. Secondly, I don't want any of my belongings stolen and when the proprietor doesn't know you're in the unit, it makes for a crime of opportunity. Thirdly, there's a huge safety issue. Fourthly, they could trip the alarm and who's going to pay for that false alarm? There are many reasons but I just thought I would get some feedback because I was sure that they had to give notice before entering. It really irritates me!
Hm... seems because of recent raise of temperature, laminate floor is expanding, and I have some area that raised a little and now it have air under it, does anyone have similar issue?

Seems we're getting mail today! Finally!! :D
Saw the notice on our mail box area, maybe you already know, but just in case, hehehe.
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Hey guys

Yes I have had the same floor issues on the floor as Marco has mentioned,alexandra said to put it on the 30 day report, also any news on the garbage chute? And looks like norstar is taking there sweet time on everything, outside the floors outside the unit and the garage needs a big clean.

Anything new with you guys ?
I don't have the floor issue but I do have some water coming in from one of my windows now that it's been raining so much. Unfortunately, my 30 report was done almost 30 days ago. I will have to give Alexandra a call to see what can be done. Water is pretty serious.

Hey guys

Yes I have had the same floor issues on the floor as Marco has mentioned,alexandra said to put it on the 30 day report, also any news on the garbage chute? And looks like norstar is taking there sweet time on everything, outside the floors outside the unit and the garage needs a big clean.

Anything new with you guys ?
