but is the Don Valley a windy place? likely not.
No. Fusion is hardly around the corner - they are building the ITER and it's only an experimental reactor for ironing out the fusion physics and engineering, and after that (20 years) they might be building DEMO, which is a prototype plant. There are no committment for the latter either.
Besides, even if the chose to go down that route, it will likely not be cheap - magnetic confinement tokamaks are some of the most advanced and complex pieces of machinery ever built, and the inertial confinement (e.g. laser) alternative is no better. The DoE NIF using the latter turned out to be a major disappointment as well.
If I am to bet - I would put it on significant material science advances enabling ubiquitous and cheap solar systems.
My home town is surrounded by literally hundreds of these and as much as I want Torontians (or really those in the GTA in general) to get a small taste of that reality, this is a bad idea. Pretty much the worst place to put them.
I don't even mind the the look of these things, but they do decrease property values and it's an annoying reminder of offloading problems onto more rural communities.
I think the best place for them is to line the Don from Gerard up to the 401. They would fit perfectly in the middle of on/off ramps.
Placing wind turbines along the DVP sounds familiar to an earlier proposal to line the 401 with turbines. What ever happened to that proposal...
The MTO would have a fit if someone were to seriously bring this forward. "What if they were to spontaneously explode?"
In all seriousness, the best places for wind turbines in Ontario are on the shores of Lake Huron and Erie and in the Kingston/Belleville area.
In a complete deviation from the topic, my money is on Thorium to be up and running within 20 years provided the 4 year proof of concept test by Thor Energy in Norway (a nation incredibly reliant on fossil fuels for energy) is successful.
the best places for wind turbines in Ontario are on the shores of Lake Huron and Erie and in the Kingston/Belleville area.
Except that the people who live there don't want them.
I know I know - someone will scream "they're just NIMBYs!".
So when DO people get a say about what happens in their backyards?
Fine. They can have gas plants and nuclear power plants instead.
So when DO people get a say about what happens in their backyards?
TO person:
Except that it isn't their backyard by a long shot.
Just because someone owns property within visual distance of wind turbines don't make their complaints legitimate by default.