Many of you will have made note of the recent spate of applications to take on material new height, post zoning, via the CoA (Committee of Adjustment).
You may also have made note that some of the more extreme additions +8s, or greater than a 15% bump in height were mocked by me as being entirely 'not minor' and not properly before the CofA.
In many cases, I'm happy enough to support the added height, my issue is merely that it should go through the correct process, and not get by the back door, that which could not be had through the front.
I see that as a subversion of the system; and going back on a deal.
Well, I'm not the only one who thinks so. Councillor Saxe has a report request before Planning and Housing Ctte this morning with an eye to curtailing what can go before CofA
Agenda Item History 2024.PH9.13
From the above:
Edit to add: This passed at Committee. Its only a report request, so changes nothing for the moment. The tone of Chair Perks was he wasn't really comfortable w/the change being sought, but he also agreed that residents are losing faith in a process in which deals are seemingly undone within months of being made.
I get the sense that large scale curtailment of CofA is not in the cards here; but something may be recommended to make extreme height increases a bit less likely and/or to add clarity as to what would be expected of anyone asking for such.
@HousingNowTO was deputing on this item and while taking a position pro-height and pro-density, made the case that tying some of that to the provision of affordable housing may be a worthwhile goal.