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What's your opinion of 1 St. Thomas?

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I will use your information to determine what may or may not fit

Didn't I already scold you for being a labelmonger? If there's only 2 or if there's more than 20, which counts as "few" in a city with such a massive number of skyscrapers?
Not on me...on the architecture.

Since you have brought it up ...

In each and every instance where I have used a label "... on the architecture," I can document on the spot where this or that label is derived, why it is being applied, or why it is being questioned. I did not invent these type of labels, and without them, there may be additional confusion on top of what is there already when critiquing the evolution of design styles. In the past, you have attempted to ascribe inconsistency to myself and others on use, what you term "sliding scale", and I have responded to that part of your remarks that I could apply some form of reasoning. Perhaps you need to go back and review that particular set of posts again - there were updates - otherwise both of us will not be on the same page on this or any other matter including your past "scold(s)".
1 ST Debate

Please do us a favour, since two of you insist there are post-modernists buildings all along the river in downtown Chicago, in your next post(s), preferably as a footnote to a customary post here, name say five of them, so I know what qualifies in your estimation, or someone you trust, as post-modern.

I have a map, and a pretty good memory of what is there now, since I go to an office just off the river on a regular basis when I am in Chicago. I will use your information to determine what may or may not fit, and post my result, also in a footnote (with a location to find the detailed tally elsewhere).

Given your certainty, I don't believe this will be a difficult task for either or both you to muster in the near term. I must confess, if I were given this same task, it would be difficult for me to do the same.

Well, for starters, there's the one that copies the bridge at the very top. You don't get much more post modern that copying a Chicago River Bridge as decoration on the top of your 1980's tower. And the one across the street from that -and then the gross white monstrosity where State Street has its headquarters. Then as you go South along the river there is the building just
South of the Sears Tower.

As you go North on Michigan Avenue, you will find the Banana Republic store - which predates Gap's aquisition of Banana Republic and which store, what with its leather-bound steel columns was designed by (Horror!!!) Robert A.M. Stern. Further north is that Po-Mo hotel building on the West side of the Water Tower Park, and then the building where Bloomingdales is.

And that's leaving out the Johnson building, and the Washington Library, and Helmut Jahn's government building and his United Airlines Terminal, and things that are outside the loop or Michigan Avenue. Seems like a lot of Post-modernism to me, which is not a surprise given that Chicago is a record of every architectural fashion and trend that has come along since the Fire.

Perhaps Zepher, if you had a clue what you were talking about, instead of just making up crap after two seconds of noodling on Google, you might earn some respect? Or, at least better marks in whatever high school in which you are enrolled?
By the way AP - I have never sought your respect in this or any other matter. This exercise is intended to take your repeated misdirection and correct it for once. Perhaps the better path is to ignore these comments of yours altogether but I didn't. In future, I'll do what I do and ignore the silly sniping.

Moreover, not all these buildings you are citing, without names in most cases, are on the river - I count three - correction two. Sears and south of Sears are not on the river, Therefore I will place it in a different group. And this is far from a footnote as I asked. But whatever. To get anything is a surprise. I'll deal with the river first as I post on topic. The other freeform list will be addressed after the river, and separately. And that will be it for this non sense as far as I am concerned.


US - Thanks for reminding us how this was sliding even with the best of intentions.
Not inconsistency...subjective flexibility. One man's faux may be another man's neo, but is one man more right than the other?
By the way AP - I have never sought your respect in this or any other matter. This exercise is intended to take your repeated misdirection and correct it for once. Perhaps the better path is to ignore these comments of yours altogether but I didn't. In future, I'll do what I do and ignore the silly sniping.

Moreover, not all these buildings you are citing, without names in most cases, are on the river - I count three (Sears and south of Sears is not on the river). And this is far from a footnote as I asked. But whatever. To get anything is a surprise. I'll deal with the river first as I post on topic. The other freeform list will be addressed after the river, and separately. And that will be it for this non sense.

US - Thanks, My next posts as I said above will be on topic only (with the footnotes addressing these sidebars when that information is ready).

You're the one that said there were few post modern buildings in Chicago. There are more than a few along the river, and even more elsewhere in the city. Perhaps your ignorance of all things architectural extends to post-modernism as well?
You're the one that said there were few post modern buildings in Chicago. There are more than a few along the river, and even more elsewhere in the city. Perhaps your ignorance of all things architectural extends to post-modernism as well?

Yes I am ignorant, and I am the one who started it, and I am a liar and I am a faddist what other things do you want to call me? You better take your shots now - they will be answered with silence later.
Arguments over matters of opinion (ex. favoured architecture styles or architectural quality levels) are always amusing, because they are... pointless.
Pointless in terms of which style will reign supreme, but there's nothing wrong with debating particular aspects that an observer (or someone practising) are pointing out. I like reading these arguments because it's intriguing and also educating for those who have not studied architecture as thoroughly. Name calling and slandering is not necessary but bring on everything else.
"Yes I am ignorant, and I am the one who started it, and I am a liar and I am a faddist what other things do you want to call me? You better take your shots now - they will be answered with silence later."

Zephyr, I'm not sure where your comments are ironic or sincere. I shall give you the benefit of the doubt and assume contrition. You are not ignorant, only misguided in this unholy alliance with US. Come back to the flock, and let US work out her issues with the most successful architect of our time.

The only thing that annoys me about Robert Stern is the number of pages in the New York Sunday Times magasine dedicated to his latest residential commissions.

AP now that you have silenced the cultured and sophisticated Zephyr, why don't you direct your invective towards US? I would admire a petulant mea culpa from the odious one.
let US work out her issues with the most successful architect of our time.

Stern? Well, ok, but from that perspective - from the dizzying heights of the international starchitecture circuit - 1 St. Thomas might come off looking generally 'nice' but a little meh around the edges and very 'yeah, but so what?' the kind of building some no-name Toronto architect would have built sooner or later, anyway (so why bring in the starchitect). I'd be happy as a clam if a few more Stern towers were built instead of a few more Tridel/Pemberton monstrosities, though.
I think scarberian's got it right.....we need at least one more Stern here in Toronto, to help us make up our minds....;)
