I agree. Term limits should be imposed starting next term. Only 2 or at most 3 consecutive terms allowed. Councillors can run for their old jobs after a 4 year wait. I'd hate to lose some veteran councillors but if they're truly great, they will find another public service forum like Olivia Chow did. She was Councillor, stepped down to run for federal MP, got elected and now is returning to run for Mayor.
Overall, election laws need to be updated broadly. Mental fitness and a criminal background check should be a pre-requisite. A high standard Mayor removal mechanism (3/4 of council + Premier approval + Queens Park appeals format). Real consequences for ethics violations. Ford has made a mockery of our system and has proven it completely toothless. That has to change after the Provincial Election.
Interesting ideas! Not sure I agree, but I generally like the path you're heading. Real consequences for ethics violations seems pretty intuitively resounding. I wouldn't want draconian measures taken, but I'd certainly like to see public servants punished for wrong doings. I'm not really sure I care all that much about a criminal background (unless it's a serious crime), and I'm not sure the problem is urgent. I think the absence of a caring electorate is much more the problem (a stronger electorate wouldn't elect a criminal). And I'm not aware of too many convicts being elected (perhaps I'm ignorant?)
I'm inclined to agree with your mechanism for removal for mayor. Though, I may argue with some particulars, I'm pretty much on board. I disagree with you when it comes to term limits - but I am glad you raised the issue anyhow. It's an idea that draws on our expectations of what a councilor ought to be to us, and what we ought to be to them.
Thing is, I'm by no means enamored with the current city council (though there are notable exceptions; Matlow, Wong-Tam, and more...). The majority of council doesn't impress me, and I hate to say that. Imposing term limits would disable the great, already serving, councilors from serving again, and furthermore, it would discourage potentially great councilors for the future. I don't think I have an issue with a career politician as long as they are doing a good job. If potentially great councilors think they can't make a career out of politics then they'll be disincentivized to enter into politics (and the chances of finding another position like Chow did are very, very slim). Arguably, there are already too many disincentives to enter into politics (most particularly the vulnerability consequent of the age of information. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of extremely qualified people who'd rather not have their life picked apart). I worry that imposing term limits will worsen an already mediocre council, and push away the future Matlow's.
I'd rather err on the side of caution when it comes to retaining great councilors. I think we can boil it down to what is more valuable to us: tossing out the councilors that bring shame to the job (like De Baeremaeker) or retaining the great councilors like Matlow and Wong-Tam?