I've thought Goldkind has mirrored Ford in the way he wants to set himself apart from all the other politicians. While it might wish rescue from our usual suspects by someone from outside politics, there's no guarantee they won't prove at least as lacking. Thomson was given a chance and she turned out to be a flake. Rossi, despite his resume, was also something of a flake.
I wish Soknacki would come out strong against Ford. While he has the best take on the issues, no one is listening to him. Since Ford attracts all the attention, attacking him would bring greater attention to Soknacki. I thought highest of Stintz in the time she stood firm against the Ford subway plans. While it might seem that Ford has no chance of being elected and should instead be ignored, he will continue into the election with a strong base and could be influential even after he loses. I think it would show leadership to strongly counter his record of lies and manipulation. Maybe Soknacki doesn't have him in him, maybe he's only comfortable being a wonk, but really he has nothing to lose. Those of us who have been infuriated by Ford's ability to escape any consequences for his actions (besides perhaps not being reelected this fall) need someone to voice our frustration.