To flip this back over....and waiting for the prick to drip, whoops, pin to drop...anyone care to guess the kerfuffle behind the scenes in the OntLib camp? "If anyone has even a *possibility* of being named for harassment, you better step forward now because we'll lynch you publicly as a vengeful offering to the braying masses".
I'd say the chances of a Lib peccadillo dropping in the next few months is very high. It's happening with the Feds, albeit they're prepared for damage control, are the QP Libs as well prepared? You can bet your kinky booties the Cons have investigators looking to trip the Libs on this. *ANY* kind of 'indiscretion' will do.
Meantime, to at least show this isn't a 'local thing':
British MPs could lose their seats under new sex and bullying rules
British MPs found to have engaged in sexual harassment or bullying could lose their seats under a new independent grievances and complaints procedure for staff working at Westminster.
The proposals, composed by a cross-party working group of MPs and staff, include granting the parliamentary commissioner for standards new powers to suspend MPs from the House, which could lead to “recall” — a process that can result in the loss of seats. The plans, seen by the Financial Times, are due to be finalised on Monday and are expected to be published later this week.
Click here to read more.
For a one time access to the above, enter the *words* in the link: "British MPs could lose their seats under new sex and bullying rules" into Google. This isn't 'cheating'. The FT welcomes Googlers to read their articles.
"The group has proposed an independent grievance procedure, which includes a contact person in parliament and a dedicated phone line for reporting, an opportunity for informal resolutions, and independent investigators to consider evidence. It sets out that final decisions on cases will be made by the parliamentary commissioner for standards, “who is, of course, independent”.
This might well be a model for QP to follow, rather than the Federal one emerging. I like the mention of "independent investigators". Such already exists in a number of QP ministries and Speaker as precedent, some completely independent.