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So if Wynne was liked two years ago but is now hated, what specifically has she done in the last two years to get that hate? The hydro prices, gas plant scandal, etc. date back to the McGuinty era.

I think it just looks like more of the same. That's her problem.

And the hydro prices is an ongoing issue. That didn't stop with the change in power.
So if Wynne was liked two years ago but is now hated, what specifically has she done in the last two years to get that hate? The hydro prices, gas plant scandal, etc. date back to the McGuinty era.

I think there are a number of challenges around Wynne, most of which involve her government in the aggregate, and as the leader, she wears it.

The whole election finance thing looked really bad, its not that it hadn't been going on for ages, under each and every party..........its that when called out on it in the media
she seemed to shrug and defend it as completely reasonable.

The public didn't think so, the media didn't either...........

And she seemed to come around 'kicking and screaming' as it were....

You add to that the sell off of Hydro One.......which is clearly not popular, and goes against publicly stated Liberal policy, and there was no mention of in the Liberal campaign.

Things like that add up.

As do soaring Hydro bills and a perception of growing income inequality.

Its not a matter of the alternatives being better.

Neither Patrick Brown nor Ms. Horvath have charmed the electorate..........The provincial Green leader might deserve a shot.......but is rather unlikely to get one.

Its more a matter of exhaustion with a government that is seen to have been around a long time, and is seen to say all the right things, at least in speeches......

But whose record is less than stellar.

Wynne is the face of her party, and as people grow weary of the former, the latter wears it.
Definitely so- I was willing to give her a chance to change the Liberals around- but that didn't happen and things got even worse (i.e. hydro) because the necessary changes that should have happened did not.

I think you're right about the notion of the aggregate- the same thing's happening to Tory as well. Some things like cuts to city services could be justified once in the name of efficiencies, but more multi-year cutbacks + the selling off of public services? On the other hand, he has been more adept at using pie-in-the-sky distractions schemes (i.e. Smarttrack, Rail Deck Park) to soften his schemes.
It says a lot about Wynne's popularity that even with Patrick Brown consistently putting his foot in his mouth he's leading by almost 20% and is in majority territory.
I think the Liberals have been been in power for too long and have too much scandals attached to them. Also all the policies and ideas they are bringing aren't very popular and will raise the cost of living for people in the province. They also don't seem to care much about money being wasted. I remember the energy minister comparing the money wasted on the gas plant scandals to a cup of coffee a day. He was dead serious on that. What sort of idiot makes such a comparison? Things like the sex ed curriculum while looking good on paper aren't really popular. In a lot of the immigrant communities, it's not well liked and many people are keeping it to themselves and not making a lot of noise about it. It seems her name has been attached to it. Due to this and other issues, no wonder they are losing in the polls. They look like a tired party who are out of ideas. I think the election win got to their heads and they thought they could continue on the same path. Unfortunately the opposition parties don't seem much better or even seem to have any ideas.
So if Wynne was liked two years ago but is now hated, what specifically has she done in the last two years to get that hate? The hydro prices, gas plant scandal, etc. date back to the McGuinty era.

Patrick Brown admits courting social conservatives was a ‘mistake’

So Patrick Brown wants to run a "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" government. He almost sounds like a Liberal now. He seems to be deliberately shaking off his past as a social conservative. There's bound to be debate over whether this is a genuine change of heart or if he's just doing this to be more electable, and he's already being painted as a flip flopper. But he's making the right noises to make himself a more palatable alternative to Wynne. On the other hand, the Liberals are planning to have balanced budgets starting next year so that takes away a lot of the ammunition the Conservatives might have about overspending. The HST rebate on hydro is aimed squarely at voters too. It should be an interesting election.

Try taking off the partisan goggles. The Liberals are no worse than the Conservatives when it comes to corruption. So if you're convinced that the government is corrupt, the question becomes would you rather have corrupt Liberals in power or corrupt Conservatives?
lets try corrupt conservatives for a change
^lol...fair enough I suppose. Corrupt NDP maybe?

I fully support the education changes and the fact that the government didn't back down in the face of controversy. It seems like one of those issues that social conservatives make a lot of noise about but history will prove them wrong. The public supports the new curriculum too, with 49% supporting it and 34% opposing. In any case, Brown seems to be fine with it so it's kind of irrelevant as an election issue.

I think it just looks like more of the same. That's her problem.

And the hydro prices is an ongoing issue. That didn't stop with the change in power.
Yes the hydro prices are an issue. The flip side is that air quality is noticeably better. Smog days are almost nonexistent now, even in the scorching summer we just had. That's partially because there's not as much manufacturing but also because the coal power plants are gone.

You add to that the sell off of Hydro One.......which is clearly not popular, and goes against publicly stated Liberal policy, and there was no mention of in the Liberal campaign.
Yes this is the one thing that I think can be fairly attached to Wynne specifically. Nobody likes it. It seems to me that power generation has been tinkered with so much over the last 30 years or so that we've been left with an inefficient system that needs reform. But the proposed privatization doesn't seem like the solution.
It should be remembered that Ontario Hydro was broken up in 1998, by the PC government at the time under Mike Harris, as part of his "Common Sense Revolution". See link.
The Liberals are talking about gas power plants again, but this time, it's thing.

Ambitious project will give Mississauga new coastline

Maybe enough ribbon cutting by 2018 will help everybody forget what has made the party and its leader so unpopular.

“There will not be a wall of condos cutting people off from the lake,”

Then what the heck is this?


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Wynne and Agar tangle for the first time on NEWSTALK 1010

Any thoughts on her performance?

Jerry pissed me off; and reminded me why I don't normally listen to this stuff. He seems to just spew shit without any understanding. I understand his job is to antagonize the person he's interviewing but the line of questioning seemed to demand 2 opposites at once. "Basket of goods" inflation is ridiculous to use for anything other than household shopping; if you want to bitch about costs compare to escalation in other provinces.

Wynne was just annoying. Information seemed reasonable but "umm" "uhh" "well ..." "but the thing is ...". Gah! She would do well to stick with comparing Ontario over the last couple years to other provinces.

Finally, these shows with call-in interviews ought to be shooting for HD Voice connections.
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First signs of a right move, considering that the province already produces surplus energy. The next step would be to get energy bills under control, though I doubt it will happen.

Ontario Suspends Large Renewable Energy Procurement

Ontario will immediately suspend the second round of its Large Renewable Procurement (LRP II) process and the Energy-from-Waste Standard Offer Program, halting procurement of over 1,000 megawatts (MW) of solar, wind, hydroelectric, bioenergy and energy from waste projects.

This decision is expected to save up to $3.8 billion in electricity system costs relative to Ontario’s 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) forecast. This would save the typical residential electricity consumer an average of approximately $2.45 per month on their electricity bill, relative to previous forecasts. No additional greenhouse gas emissions are being added to the electricity grid.
On power, they Liberals need to find a way to make a deal w/Quebec to import cheaper hydro.

The alternative being the need to do to total refurb/replacement of Darlington, the cost of which will be in the astronomical billions.

I'm not an anti-nuclear zealot, I just don't see the need to pay for expensive power (and controversial to some) when much cheaper, cleaner power is available from the province next door.

I understand that OPG has filed an application asking for a 180% increase in bills for the nuclear portion of the bill, over the next decade.

That's 18% a year (roughly) or 9x the rate of inflation.

Because nuclear represents over 1/2 of the energy produced in Ontario most days, it also means at minimum a 9% increase in the average hydro bill as far as the eye can see (generation portion).

That has to be nipped in the bud.
I think it will come down to vote splitting. In Ontario we have two left leaning parties, and one right leaning party. The Ontario PC's know that the NDP have a voter ceiling, they just need enough angry Liberal voters to jump aboard the NDP wagon and its 2011 all over again.
