This might be one of the scariest things I’ve read in a newspaper for a long time…
“Eventually, Byfield learned of a group called Take Back Alberta, whose leader was signing up thousands of members to vote against Kenney at the April 2022 leadership review in Red Deer.”
““I thought that that was a sign from God,” Byfield said. “I (didn’t) know David personally, but I knew what was happening — because it was so astonishing — must be God-driven.””
“”My vision is to bring us back to the past, I pray, literally pray, for righteous governance in this province.””
““That might scare some people,” he acknowledged, before explaining how, in his view, Alberta experienced some of its best years under Ernest Manning, the preacher who governed the province from 1943 to 1968. “You don’t get elected seven times by pushing your morals on others,” he said.”
“He added Smith has “fantastic potential,” but called her a “spiritual newbie.””
“”If she were to start to grow spiritually, wow, she would be an amazing, amazing premier, and might very well rival Ernest Manning.””
That might scare some people??? It should scare everyone.
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