As I’m experiencing HSR route derangement syndrome and there is no new information to feed it, I went back to the 2022 Request for Proposals to see what it says about stations and routings. The priorities and principles include the following:
- Integration into city centres by using existing stations or new alternative stations and explore opportunities for transit-oriented neighbourhoods with potential development opportunities.
- Improve integration with other modes of transportation (regional and local public transit, non-Corridor services) and provide targeted connections such as to Jean Lesage International Airport in Quebec City and Montréal–Trudeau International Airport near Dorval.
- New tracks to allow for greater control over track infrastructure including opportunities to utilize existing rights-of-way (industrial corridor, road/rail or hydro).
Running through Peterborough is required, but not use of the existing or former rail corridor. Some honourable members of this forum objected to my suggestions about hydro corridors between Peterborough and Smiths Falls, but the proponents were
actually mandated to look at these.
Another issue is maintaining “existing services” and the idea of “hubs” in Kingston and Drummondville. The RFP talks a lot about how these services will be transitioned to the new operator but there are notably no standards for frequency or journey time. Leaders at VIA have made rosy promises, but if it isn’t in the contract documents, we’re relying on good will to some extent. VIA has made these statements:
- August 2021: HFR will allow to transform cities we already serve, like Drummondville and Kingston, into regional transportation hubs and to offer communities along the Toronto-Kingston-Montreal-Drummondville-Quebec City route better schedules and tailored services.
- December 2021: Not only will our HFR project have a new dedicated track in the Corridor, we will also continue to operate on our existing route. Kingston and Drummondville will become regional transportation hubs to provide better schedules and services tailored to communities.
The Parliamentary Transportation Committee issued a report in September 2024. This is important because we are talking about Crown Corporations and government procurement, but recommendations are just that, not legislative requirements.
Parliamentarians did recognize the political importance of maintaining the existing service. No one is more aware of the fragility of social and political license for a project like this, or the potential culture war I posited a day or two ago if voters/passengers along the southern routes are penalized.
The report did not get into the details of the route, but was concerned with the location of the urban stations, specifically that if the station is not in the downtown core, the time spent getting there has to be counted as part of travel time. Of course, not everyone is travelling to and from the core. A good example is Ottawa. Currently it’s about 10 minutes extra getting to downtown. Some have (irrationally in my view) suggested routing HSR through the Ottawa airport, which on current transit would add an hour on transit and negate the speed gains. The current location is actually easier for many people travelling to Montreal than a downtown station would be, although for visitors to Ottawa that’s not the case. Probably Montreal is going to be the trickiest issue, especially for Quebec City trains. Whether or not to stop trains in suburban stations is also important. ALTO seems to be suggesting no stops in Scarborough, Fallowfield, or Dorval, and I think this is a mistake.
From the Report:
Recommendation 8
The Minister of Transport require VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. to provide, within a reasonable timeframe, an analysis of the impact a dedicated rail line will have on the use of the existing VIA rail service in the Toronto-Quebec City corridor. The report must look at the impact of ridership on the existing line after a new faster dedicated line is in operation, the viability of maintaining current services on the existing line both the number of trains and on time performance, and the possible impacts on freight traffic of continuing passenger rail service on the corridor and that this report be tabled in the House of Commons and referred to committee.
Recommendation 9
That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. collaborate with provinces and municipalities to ensure seamless connectivity between the HFR service and local and regional transit systems, and that travel time between municipalities served by the HFR network be calculated from downtown-to-downtown, including transit connections as needed.
Recommendation 10
That the Government of Canada and VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. ensure that HFR does not result in a reduction of service to communities currently served by VIA Rail and that VIA's regional rail services be connected to the future HFR service wherever possible.