I'm on my third MacBook, it's just a year old. The first one (when it was called a PowerBook) lasted 5 years, the second one lasted 6 years. The average lifespan of a laptop is 3 years, so I have done well on those. I've also had a number of desktop Macs, ever since 1986's Macintosh Plus when I was a tyke (well, tyke-ish). I have a 3rd gen iPad and I'm now on my third iPhone. (4, 5s, 6s.)
It hasn't happened to me, but I've heard that data can by wiped by an iOS update… but Apple tells you to never run an update until after you've backed up. If any data's accidentally wiped, you just restore. If you don't have a backup, that's not Apple's fault.
The number of times I've needed repairs to any of my devices has been few. I dropped my first iPhone, and even though it had a plastic case on it, it still had a smashed screen due to the nature of the drop. I was handed for free a new iPhone after they transferred the data from the damaged one to the new one. That astonished me.
I have gone in for some of the training seminars, for iMovie for example. There are always things you're going to learn that may be discoverable online, but I like the seminar format where people who are experienced with the program can tell you about what they like best about it, and where they can tailor their teaching to your particular needs from the program.
Apple's recent dominance has caused them to act somewhat arrogantly from time to time of late, and decisions thy've made have been flat-out bad (the replacement program for iPhoto called Photos has created serious issues for 'power users'), but despite some annoyance from time to time, Apple has earned my loyalty. Now I just want more stores so that when I wander in, they're not quite such a zoo.