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'Colder than people from Toronto' slogan gets frosty reception

Aug 18, 2009 04:30 AM
Comments on this story (131)
Petti Fong
Western Canada Bureau Chief

VANCOUVER–They're mocking Hogtown again.

A new billboard campaign in British Columbia for Coors Light declares the beer is "Colder Than Most People From Toronto."

The slogan caught Newmarket resident Kathryn Morton by surprise.

"That's pretty insulting to such a large group of people," she said. "We hear stuff about Toronto people all the time but we couldn't believe anyone would put it on a billboard."

Morton, who grew up in Kamloops, where she said it was common for people to make fun of Toronto, saw the ad on a camping trip a couple of weeks ago. Her 16-year-old son Stuart spotted it first.

"He realized the political incorrectness of it. What bothered us was we saw the Olympic logo on the billboard. This isn't a great way to bring in people to the province."

But marketing expert Paul Cubbon said it's likely the people behind the billboards wanted to generate talk.

Making fun of Toronto is a unity issue that ties together everyone who doesn't live there, a strategy that has been used for years.

What has changed, said Cubbon, who teaches marketing at UBC's Sauder School of Business, is the speed at which localized ads can move outside their target area via cellphone cameras, YouTube videos and Twitter postings.

"I thought the ad was humorous," said Cubbon, who saw it last weekend while driving through the Okanagan. "Everyone out here likes poking fun at Toronto."

Beer marketing campaigns usually play up regional differences, Cubbon said. But ads can offend just as easily as they amuse.

Last year, Ford Canada dropped its campaign "Drive It Like You Stole It" after critics objected to its glib message, especially in western cities like Winnipeg, which has a high rate of auto theft.

Coors Light brand marketing manager Adam Moffat said he has heard complaints about the beer ad from one or two people.

"It was from Torontonians visiting the Okanagan who saw it and they thought it was curious," he said. "What we've told consumers is we're sorry and apologetic if we've offended anyone."


I think it's kinda funny, although having the Vancouver Olympics logo on it raises my eyebrow a bit. As the article says, nothing unites Canadians more than slagging Toronto, but maybe not at this time leading up to the Olympics being held here in Canada.
The petty regionalism of this country is pretty embarassing. It's odd as I honestly think Torontonions are the least interested in these rivalries, yet we seem to take the brunt of it in the ROC.

A pic for those that didn't hit the link...
This billboard is not harsh at all. It is kind of funny.

What would be hard is something like:

You'll never go broke by buying Torontonians for what they're worth and selling them for what they think they're worth!

personally, i wouldn't drink anything made from a company whose founder was a guy named adolf. :p
I don't get it. Are they trying to say Toronto isn't a cold city? Or we don't give people cold shoulders or what not? I don't get the rivalry between cities. Each lives their own way. I guess this is flying over my head.
It's a highly "whatever" advertising campaign. The regional carping that goes on in this country is truly an embarrassment. I remember once asking someone whose job it was to tour Nova Scotia giving archival advice whether there was a perception on Cape Breton Island that she was barging in "from the mainland" and telling them what to do. She admitted that yes, that attitude was something that you needed to overcome when on the island. I guessed that this was so from a simple reading of petty grievance across the country.
