Senior Member
Construction fence is up.
Thanks for the information/clarification. That's what I thought, but I was wondering exactly the same thing when I went by and saw them cutting trees.^You are correct. The community league asked for as many mature, healthy trees as possible/reasonable to stay. I talked about the challenges earlier in this thread.
Isn't the water area in the back of Beaver Hills what is being referred to, not anything on the Michael Phair park side?If you look at the design, there is no water feature. The wall between Beaver Hills and Michael Phair Park is being removed. If you're looking at the rendering, what looks like water is probably rubberized surface for the play area.
Also, the title of this thread could be changed from 'refresh' to 'renewal'. This is essentially a full renewal.
I didn't realize the existing water feature was being removed. For some reason Edmonton sure seems against having water in downtown parks, like you know nicer cities.
I guess we have to keep it looking cheaper, even if it isn't.