What's the consensus?

  • Great

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Okay

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Not Great

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah I’m not sure I trust RNDSQ to do the Inglewood project anymore. I really like their Bridgeland project but that’s about it. This does not look anything like the front page render.
I'll have to see it all when it's finished to get a better idea. It's a lot of that one type of material, but I still like the fact that it's different.
Very disappointed with this one so far, looking more like stacked sea cans with each new picture. Might be better once it's finished still, but this isn't looking good now. This is a perfect example of disingenuous renders if I've ever seen one, this looks nothing like what we saw. Clearly they designed the exterior without knowing what cladding they were using.
I will wait to see the finished product, but right now it looks like this building is going to be a huge eyesore in the community; a lightning rod that will be used against the project down the street to try and kill it. Which is a shame, because I typically really like RNDSQR's stuff.

Hopefully there are a few more decent tenants going in to the building to make me forget about how much worse it looks than the renders. A diner and a growler bar is a decent start
As I said: very aggressive building. It's not going to be as nice as the renderings, but it still could be very iconic (perhaps even more so given the daring choice of cladding). It's like a massive take on Frank Gehry's house.
