Do you support the proposal for the new arena?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 67.3%
  • No

    Votes: 38 25.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 6.8%

  • Total voters
Aerial shot of Calgary, give a good perspective of the size of the arena's footprint.

From reddit
Does anyone know if there's a timeline/any progress on moving the bus barns? That location feels like the easiest win for the C&E district once it's available, connected to Riverwalk once it's extended down to there and a bit more removed from Stampede grounds/gameday traffic of the arena.
Does anyone know if there's a timeline/any progress on moving the bus barns? That location feels like the easiest win for the C&E district once it's available, connected to Riverwalk once it's extended down to there and a bit more removed from Stampede grounds/gameday traffic of the arena.
Because it's so removed, it's likely the least attractive for investment right now. Will take atleast 3-4 years to build a new bus barn, ect....i dont see much happening there until after the arena opens
How about that hotel that was announced by CMLC on the corner beside the casino and across from Arriva….would be nice to have that open simultaneously as the arena.
How about that hotel that was announced by CMLC on the corner beside the casino and across from Arriva….would be nice to have that open simultaneously as the arena.
The last I can remember seeing about the hotels in the area was from when the new BMO opened where the Hotel Association said they were expecting one to be announced by the end of the summer, in this article:

Maybe a bit concerning that nothing has materialized to this point on it still.
