With all the talk of the southwest expansion to Ellerslie, I can't help but wonder what's going on with the northeast expansion to Gorman.
I know it's been planned preliminarily for 15+ years - but are there any timelines for it?
It just strikes me as odd because of all the low cost stations to add, this would be it. The ROW is ready and it's all ground level.
I'm guessing because the area directly around where the station would be isn't developing yet, the city hasn't seen it as a priority? But
Though to add to that thought, the route and location they have for Gorman diverges to the east off the existing railway corridor, clearly to service a theoretical new neighbourhood.
Is that routing locked in at this stage? Because when they chose the route, the Manning Town centre wasn't even developed yet. It's been like 15 years since.
I can't help but feel like it's a shame that it doesn't diverge to the west instead, to better service Manning Centre. There's a lack of easily accessible big box shopping retailers near the LRT, and being able to get to Lowe's and Canadian Tire right next to an LRT station - even if it's the last stop on the line - would be a huge boon to a lot of people. If they could even just get the station around the corner of 153 Ave and 34 St before continuing east I think that'd be fine.