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Union doesn't like kids

Centreville's hopes of reopening during summer squashed by union

From CP24:

A deal to open up Centreville - which has been closed due to the cancellation of city-run ferry service to the islands - has been rejected by the union on Wednesday as a strike by civic workers drags on through a fifth week.

Centreville officials are quoted as saying the city workers strike has cost them $3 million in sales, according to the Toronto Sun.

The park is only open 102 days a year and management is fearful that it may not make any money this summer.

Meanwhile, calls to end Toronto's 31-day-old civic workers strike are getting louder as the summer passes by.

Mayor David Miller was overwhelmed with emails and phone calls when he appeared on CP24's monthly show "The Mayor."

Miller spent much of the time defending the city's position and explaining why back to work legislation won't help the situation.

On a lighter note, some people are turning their frustration with the strike into creativity.

A video game titled "Trash Wars" is making the rounds online. It features temporary dump sites and rats beginning to invade trash piles. Players of the game are told to fight off the rats before an infestation gets out of control. The game also allows players to vote on how they feel about the strike.

Meanwhile in Windsor, there appears to be no end in sight in the 15-week long strike.

CUPE and the city are still talking and were at the bargaining table well into the early morning hours, but neither side will comment on the status of negotiations. They say a key issue is post-retirement benefits.
Wow. This is one of the funniest things I've read in a while.. I would say at the same time, McGuinty has alienated the middle class with his tax increases. Toronto will still vote for Liberals and NDP, but the 905 and the rest of Ontario will vote in the Tories and finally the province will be a better place.

The 905 is a lot different now than it was during the Harris years. Today the 905 has many of the same problems that the 416 has: not enough transit, traffic congestion, smog, aging infrastructure, rising rents, etc. There is no way the tories could run a wedge issues campaign between the 416 and the 905 like they did in the past. Won't work when the issues are the same across the line.
A similar story from The Toronto Sun (stupid hotel workers!)

The year summer died

Union cold-shoulders Centreville plan to keep swings and roundabouts going


Last Updated: 22nd July 2009, 10:31am

This is how CUPE killed summer.

A behind-the-scenes solution to open Centreville, Toronto Island's privately owned amusement park shuttered since the strike began, was quashed last Friday with a threat by CUPE 416 to picket park customers.

Shawnda Walker, Centreville's director of marketing, said the month-old civic workers' strike has cost the park $3 million in sales. The majority of its 400 employees, mostly students working for the summer, have been thrown out of work.

"We never thought it would go this long," Walker said yesterday. "They are killing our summer. "They're killing the summer for the little kids ... and they are killing the summer for our students who want to work and pay for university," she said.

Last week the park's owners tried to lay the groundwork to open despite the strike, something the city was receptive to, she said.

To help gain the union's blessing, they offered to make it clear to everyone they were operating under the generosity of CUPE 416.

Just 20 minutes after CUPE received the written proposal, the park got a terse answer.

"The Union will review all of its recourse including but not limited to picketing to ensure that the work of the Local 416 bargaining unit is respected," union officials stated in an awkwardly worded e-mail.

Later, they told Centreville they'd delay customers, set up pickets on the island and at the boats arranged to ferry people to the park, Walker said.

Calls to CUPE weren't returned yesterday.

Centreville staff say they were shocked by the threat.

"That hurt," Walker said. "We really thought there might be some sympathy to the fact we are a privately owned business. We have nothing to do with this and we're caught bang-smack in the middle," she said.

The park is only open 102 days a year and relies on the city's ferries, idled by the strike, to bring the bulk of its customers to the island.


"If we go another couple weeks, we're doomed. We will not make money (this year)," Walker said.

Despite the threat, they are weighing the risk of opening. "Our concern with opening with the union taking such a strong stance against us is that you've got little kids," she said. Visitors brought over by water taxis to the island were strolling through the amusement-park-turned-ghost-town -- the doors and windows shuttered. The park's 30 rides, including a century-old Dentzell carousel, are in limbo.

Jack Hopkins, 3, was climbing up and down on the park's now-stationary train cars. "All aboard," he shouted as his parents watched him play in the deserted park. "Where's the conductor?"

The family was on vacation from Tucson, Ariz., and their hotel told them, mistakenly, that the park would be open.

"We're definitely disappointed," mom Brooke said.

I would love to see a debate between the university students losing their summer pay at Centreville and that union apologist summer student that was in the Star a few weeks ago.
Hm well that Trash Wars game was pretty fun.

I didn't notice that the ferries wouldn't be running though. I don't go to Centreville, but I did have plans to go to the island. Are those plans dashed for as long as this strike lasts?
i think Centreville should open and use pvt ferries.

if there's a confrontation between strikers and Caribbana visitors ... you can imagine who will be on the losing end. :eek:

guess those city workers will need those banked sick days.
^ Exactly. I would have no pitty for the city workers getting in their way.

What the hell do they think they're doing disturbing a private business? Centreville can hire who they like to ferry people to their park. If CUPE intentionally disrupts that, Centreville has every right to sue their pants off!
disgusting... I am not a fan of violence but i wouldnt mind seeing someone snap on these union morons. Their behaviour really invites physical confrontation.
Hm well that Trash Wars game was pretty fun.

I didn't notice that the ferries wouldn't be running though. I don't go to Centreville, but I did have plans to go to the island. Are those plans dashed for as long as this strike lasts?

You can go to the islands via water taxi. Be sure to take food and water!
oh oh

just found out tonight a couple of juicy rumors, the Real Madrid game at BMO might be cancelled because of the strike due to getting a permit to lay the new grass and the CNE would of shut down by the Unions if Garbage had been allowed to be place there.
Why isnt any person brave enough to tackle the unions in Toronto,yes its great to get pay to work at jobs high school kids can do but at University graduate wages but at the expense of %95 of the tax payers of the GTA.Do we really need street sweepers who are paid over $20 an hour or lawn cutters at $24 an hour?.Im pretty sure you can hire anyone right now to do those jobs for half those wages.
Surely it's a blessing that the Port is owned by the feds. I say that Centreville should seek federal assistance in getting a temporary ferry taxi service going. And if the union decides to picket federal property, then hopefully the feds will be a little tougher than Miller. Though to be fair, Miller's gone a lot longer than I thought he would. He's already got back the sick days for this year....
Miller is holding a very hard line on this. This article in Macleans today mentions that he's refusing to even take his personal garbage to a temporary dump site.

Also this:

“Keeping the garbage in the garage is a small inconvenience,†he says. “And if I’m an example of what the average citizen can do, we can throw our garbage in the garage almost indefinitely.â€

The unions aren't going to get arbitration, and hopefully that's starting to dawn on them. How long can the membership go making only $200 a week in strike pay? Surely there are union members who are missing rent or mortgage payments because of this.
the striking union members picketing Centreville is analagous to TTC workers picketing private businesses b/c their employees took another method of transportation besides TTC.

AFAIK, the union has no rights or reason to block access.
