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Two updates:



February 19, 2021
On February 19, 2021, Halton Region commenced litigation in the Federal Court of Canada to review the decisions by the Federal Minister and Cabinet to approve the CN Project. Halton is taking this step to protect the health and well-being of its residents.

Media release:

From the above: (link #2)

Received today via email.


You are receiving this message as your email has been registered to receive CN Milton Logistics Hub Project updates. This is a follow up message from our June 15, 2021 email to you regarding CN’s Community Consultation period that is currently underway until June 30. If you have not already provided your input on this consultation, visit today to have your say.

The CN Milton Logistics Hub project will provide critical infrastructure to help keep the regional and national economies moving by supporting the import of day-to-day goods and home deliveries and by creating export opportunities for local businesses.

The Project was the subject of a multi-year federal environmental assessment process, which culminated in a federal government Decision Statement earlier this year. The terms of the Decision Statement require consultation on a Community Liaison Communication Process (Condition 3.2) that will be implemented if and when the project receives all necessary approvals.

We want to hear from you.

We are seeking your input on how we will continue to communicate and engage prior to and during project construction, as well as into operation, if and when the Project receives all necessary approvals. The last day to provide your input on this Community Consultation is June 30.

We have posted a draft Community Liaison Communication Process document on our website. As part of this consultation, the draft document includes a Terms of Reference for a Community Consultation Committee, a community feedback forum to support the exchange of information between CN and local stakeholders regarding the Project. CN recently appointed two independent, third-party facilitators to lead this Committee, which will be established in the coming months.

Please let us know if you have any feedback on the proposed Community Liaison Communication Process that we can consider as we prepare for construction once all outstanding permits have been approved. In order to ensure we have as much input as possible, complete the following survey today.

CN remains committed to ongoing engagement and looks forward to working constructively and collaboratively with potentially affected parties, including the local community, Aboriginal groups, all levels of government and other stakeholders.

Your input is important to us. Thank you to those who have already participated in this community consultation. If you have not done so already, please visit our website to learn more and complete the survey at

Continue to visit for ongoing updates and for further opportunities to provide feedback.

Thank you,

CN Milton Project Team
Latest update received via email:

Site Preparation Activities

Since January, CN has been conducting site preparation activities, including site fencing, as required in the conditions of the federal Decision Statement. Other recent activities at the site have included the installation of monitoring equipment, surveying, placement of stakes/demarcation materials for site safety, vegetation removal, access road and laydown area construction, installation of construction site offices, installation of mitigation measures, excavation, building removal and other components related to the early stages of construction. All activities are being carried out in accordance with the conditions outlined in the federal decision statement.

Notification of site preparation activities were provided through print and online advertisements in the Canadian Champion newspaper and postcards were sent to approximately 9,000 neighboring residences prior to the commencement of these activities.

Construction is expected to take approximately two years. Further information can be found on the Construction page of our website.

Community Liaison Communication Process

Among the conditions in the Decision Statement is the requirement to develop a Community Liaison Communication Process. Following a community consultation period earlier this year, CN gathered input from the public on how to communicate and engage prior to and during Project construction and into operation. The Communication Process will help guide how CN keeps the community informed throughout all stages of the Project.

Community Consultation Committee

As part of our Community Liaison Communication Process, CN established a Community Consultation Committee, an important element of our ongoing community communications and engagement related to the Project. The Committee is led by independent, third-party facilitators and members represent environmental, business, community, post-secondary education, and other interests in Milton and across Halton. Indigenous groups were also invited to participate in the Committee.

Relevant Documents and Plans

The Project website,, will be used as the primary hub for information about the Project. CN will post relevant documents and plans on the website. New and updated documents have recently been posted to the website including the 2021 Annual Report, updated Follow-up Programs and numerous other documents. Please check in regularly with the website for updates and new information.

The Milton Logistics Hub will be an important link in the North American supply chain. Locally, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is growing rapidly, and the project is needed to handle the growing demand for household goods, consumer products, and other necessities of day-to-day life in one of Canada’s fastest growing regions.

The decision allows CN to go ahead and build the yard...........with some caveats:

Per the article............




The decision goes on to say, however, that CN is not immune from local regulation, and that Halton Conservation and Milton may seek enforcement action for some violations of local laws/rules; which may or may not run into
constitutional issues.
Email update received tonight.


We are writing to you to provide an update on recent activities regarding the Milton Logistics Hub Project (the “Project”).

Activities on Site

Site preparation activities and the first phase of construction commenced a year ago. Some of the major activities to date have included: installation of site monitoring equipment, surveying, placement of stakes/demarcation materials for site safety, installation of earthen berms, environmental enhancement works and excavation associated with drainage features, vegetation removal, habitat enhancements, initial works on the relocation of CN’s mainline and the Sun Canadian pipeline relocation.

Phase one of construction activities is on schedule and will continue throughout the winter and into the spring of 2023.

For a schedule of construction activities, visit CN Milton Construction Schedule 15.2

Quarterly Reports

The following documents are available on our website:

2022 Q1 Quarterly Report – January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022
2022 Q2 Quarterly Report – April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022
2022 Q3 Quarterly Report – July 1 to September 30, 2022

These documents are available on our Project website at Quarterly Reports. Per the conditions of the federal Decision Statement and as outlined in the Community Liaison Communication Process, CN will provide a report describing feedback received and how it was addressed on a quarterly basis throughout all stages of the project. Quarterly Reports will be included as an appendix in our Annual Report.

Community Consultation Committee

As part of our Community Liaison Communication Process, CN established a Community Consultation Committee, an important element of our ongoing community communications and engagement related to the Project. The Community Consultation Committee was established in August 2021 and is led by independent third party co-facilitators. CN has met with the Committee ten times and has arranged three site visits since the Committee was established.

Topics discussed at Community Consultation Committee meetings have included: traffic, road safety, regulatory compliance and enforcement, terminal design, consultation with Indigenous groups, ground water and surface water monitoring, noise monitoring, and potential reuse, relocation, or documentation of CN-owned heritage buildings on site, among a range of other topics. Committee activity is summarized in the quarterly reports noted above.

CN Milton Logistics Hub

The Milton Logistics Hub will be an important link in the North American supply chain. Locally, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is growing rapidly, and the approved project is needed to handle the growing demand for household goods, consumer products, and other necessities of day-to-day life in one of Canada’s fastest growing regions.

CN has been operating safely in Milton for more than 100 years and we believe it is important to be good neighbours and to share in the benefits that would come from the Project. We continue to work hard to listen to and address the interests and concerns of Indigenous groups, local governments, and the community.

With warm wishes for a happy and safe holiday season,

CN Milton Project Team
CN Rail is a crown corporation and once they have the green light from the Feds, they can do whatever they want. Milton/ Halton knew this was inevitable. Their stupid sign saying "This road closure is unauthorized" is just straight up virtue signaling to the local constituents. Continuing with legal proceedings is just a waste of tax dollars at this point.
CN Rail is a crown corporation and once they have the green light from the Feds, they can do whatever they want. Milton/ Halton knew this was inevitable. Their stupid sign saying "This road closure is unauthorized" is just straight up virtue signaling to the local constituents. Continuing with legal proceedings is just a waste of tax dollars at this point.
Say what?

CN is a privately owned (publicly traded) railway. A Crown corporation is a government owned enterprise.

I'm not sure I would characterize the Halton/Milton sign as virtue signaling. I do believe they sincerely object to the CN development. It is definitely political, though.
CN Rail is a crown corporation and once they have the green light from the Feds, they can do whatever they want. Milton/ Halton knew this was inevitable. Their stupid sign saying "This road closure is unauthorized" is just straight up virtue signaling to the local constituents. Continuing with legal proceedings is just a waste of tax dollars at this point.
Sorta building on @afransen ‘s comment, I think you give Milton too much credit… maybe Halton would know CN could do this, but in any case they seem to be treating this like they don’t know and they’re just any other developer. In any case, they should know it’s pointless, lol.

Anywho, this is a massive facility and I’m excited to see it get completed.
