Senior Member
Those demand numbers. Fungible. Especially when you consider GO RER and/or SmartTrack. So much of that peak demand is core bound. What happens when you offer them a commute on GO RER with 20-30 minute savings?
The existing demand is > 5,000 at peak (SRT cannot even carry all of it, and TTC is forced to run express buses between Scarborough centre and Kennedy just to relief SRT). So, I would not call 8,000 an overestmate.
Regarding the shift to GO RER or SmartTrack, the rail corridors need massive investments in order to add capacity in order to accept enough new riders. TTC will not commit to replacing the fully grade-separate SRT with an at-grade McCowan LRT if the amount of riders diverted to GO is uncertain.
I believe that it will either be the subway, or we go back to the fully grade-separate SLRT, which has no other place to run but in the Uxbridge Sub corridor.
Besides, I thought at-grade LRT could handle that kind of demand. Heck, they go all bus today when the RT breaks down and somehow manage.
Maybe it can, if there is a way to run 3-car trainsets (design capacity = 450) at grade. It will take 18 trains an hour to reach 8,000 K; the headway will be a bit over 3 min. Probably doable, but no room for further growth.
If 2-car trainsets (design capacity = 300) is all they can run, then they would need 27 trainset an hour running at 2'10'' headways. I don't believe this is sustainable.
They replace with buses everything that breaks, even Yonge subway. Does not mean those buses achieve anything close to 8,000 per hour throughput. They carry as many people as they can; other people just wait until the subway service resumes, or find an alternative route.