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So coffey doesn't actually speak for the majority of Scarborough residents that he/she purports to represent. This is nothing new though, as most polls have shown the support for the subway is divided, or at best only supported by a slim majority.

Seriously do you need to mention my name every post? #Troll.

To you its transfer LRT vs. a One stop subway. To me its neither of the two plans at this point & Im not likely not alone. No I dont speak for everyone NOR DID I EVER SAY I DID. But Its clear what the issues are that need to be addressed and are being ignored in these plans.

And the simpleton (very timely & very possibly politicized) poll you are trumpeting doesn't give us any other choices which is why there is a very good chance we MIGHT see another polarizing Mayor next election if this is resolved in a comparable manner.
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Here's my brilliant idea for compromise.

Cancel the 1-stop subway extensions and build the 7-stop LRT in its place and the 20-stop Eglinton East LRT. People on the Eglinton LRT will have a single seat ride between Scarbrough and Yonge, where they'll transfer into Yonge Line; this is the same amount of transfers as people would face with the Line 2 extension. This'll deliver a 1-transfer experience to more people in Scarbrough than the subway would.

For people who must have a single seat ride downtown, there's SmartTrack.
Just don't see a vote for LRT as a victory for anyone. It will likely be the start of sheer Political chaos before the next Election.

It does beg the question: when will the decision be final?

Toronto needs the same decide-by-this-date-or-the-funding-disappears deadline that Brampton was handed for the Main St LRT.

I'm not saying this will lead to a functional, ultimately wise decision - it didn't in Brampton - but we need to get out of the spin cycle.

- Paul
It does beg the question: when will the decision be final?

Toronto needs the same decide-by-this-date-or-the-funding-disappears deadline that Brampton was handed for the Main St LRT.

I'm not saying this will lead to a functional, ultimately wise decision - it didn't in Brampton - but we need to get out of the spin cycle.

- Paul

Hopefully we can get some better plans quoted before this best before date. Although I agree it has to end that doesn't mean it has to end with Transfer LRT vs. a One stop subway. We can fight over these plans all we want.

Its an absolute shame we cant compromise on the glaring Political issues these plans offer to better connect this City
The general public is clueless and knows nothing about transit and has no idea whether the subway or LRT is better.

Toronto needs a larger subway system and I don't understand why so much of city council is hostile to the idea of building subways. Toronto is probably the only major city in the world where people who are against building subways are taken seriously.
Whatever happened to Matlow's motion for staff to study above ground subway on SRT corridor?

Someone said it was rejected yesterday. I thought it was approved to be considered? An absolute shame if this isn't considered. Even if it didn't go to Sheppard this is one Major problem solved & even the folks on Sheppard would likely be forced to bend to accept the hack subway to LRT design & move forward with a loop.

Aside from the RT shutdown its the right thing to do on both sides at the stage we're at. But maybe im just being a Troll for thinking this is a good idea.
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Regarding next week's vote, is there a decent chance that council could go against Tory?

I know two original pro-LRT voters, DWM and McMahon (both on the Exec) reversed their vote, while Perruzza went from pro-subway to pro-LRT.

They could go against the 1 stop subway for sure. But let's not forget the alternatives are very limited...

The province will not revert to LRT
  • 2 or 3 stop subway could be reinstated, at the expense of Crosstown East
  • 2 or 3 stop subway with Crosstown East (City would be on the hook for much much more)
Only bright side is the Federal Government picking up 50% of the tab

City council should be slapped with a term limit...their incompetence on the transit file for decades is unbelievable. Those career politicians should make place for some much needed new blood.:mad:
My concern with the Scarborough Centre vision is that our planners might be twisting their plans to adhere to their ideas of what Scarborough Centre oughta be, than what it really is. Scarborough Centre is a minor node, with most activity in the area attributed to the location of the Scarborough Centre bus terminal (which can be trivially moved), and zero development planned.

Can't agree more. My overriding fear is that, having built the one-stop subway on the premise that STC will deliver tax revenue and development charges that make it worthwhile, we discover that no one wants to develop there and we end up providing tax relief as an incentive to build it.

If there is a business case for STC that demonstrates break even, great, but we have to stick to it. That's why I still like the Moose-like idea where the developers fund the one-stop extension up front and we know up front what the payout to them is that makes it work.

- Paul
Seriously do you need to mention my name every post? #Troll.

Well since you pretty much own this thread and no differing opinions can be posted here without getting a reply from you, yes.

No I dont speak for everyone NOR DID I EVER SAY I DID because its a very complex situation.

And yet yesterday you were more than happy to make the sweeping generalization that urban toronto is an LRT fan club even though many of us disagreed with Transit City plan to varying degrees, and some of us actually agree with you.

But the simpleton poll you are trumpeting doesn't give us any other choices which is why there is a very good chance we MIGHT see another polarizing Mayor next election if this is resolved in a comparable manner

"Simpleton poll" only when it doesn't support your views. If you expect that a poll is supposed to ask people about options that have not been studied and are not on the table, then you'd might as well ask them whether a hyperloop would be the best solution for scarborough.
City council should be slapped with a term limit...their incompetence on the transit file for decades is unbelievable. Those career politicians should make place for some much needed new blood.:mad:
Our new blood includes the likes of Di Ciano, Holyday and Karygiannis.

I don't think term limits is really that effective for what you want.
Well since you pretty much own this thread and no differing opinions can be posted here without getting a reply from you, yes.

And yet yesterday you were more than happy to make the sweeping generalization that urban toronto is an LRT fan club even though many of us disagreed with Transit City plan to varying degrees, and some of us actually agree with you.

"Simpleton poll" only when it doesn't support your views. If you expect that a poll is supposed to ask people about options that have not been studied and are not on the table, then you'd might as well ask them whether a hyperloop would be the best solution for scarborough.

lets agree to ignore or atleast not directly respond to each other posts directly going forward? I certainly wont be responding to you unless you get personal again. Cant force you as you love to mention me often but would be a good #Compromise :)

Although I will continue to respond with my general non personal opinions to member on this board when I choose to. Please do the same

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Regarding next week's vote, is there a decent chance that council could go against Tory?

I know two original pro-LRT voters, DWM and McMahon (both on the Exec) reversed their vote, while Perruzza went from pro-subway to pro-LRT.

I think it's unlikely. But there's a large coalition of councillors that has been assembled to cancel the thing. Who knows who they'll have on board by next week. New polling numbers might be enough to tip the scales.
The general public is clueless and knows nothing about transit and has no idea whether the subway or LRT is better.

Toronto needs a larger subway system and I don't understand why so much of city council is hostile to the idea of building subways. Toronto is probably the only major city in the world where people who are against building subways are taken seriously.
Toronto needs a larger rapid transit system, which isn't necessarily the same as a larger subway system.
