And you guys already lost that battle with the DRL expansion. Although scarborough probably should have pushed back again Vaughan a bit harder...
While the support percentage is subject to debate...
The percentage is very plastic. It could theoretically very easily be:
"Do you support any one subway expansion that you feel is justified somewhere?" = greater than 50% support.
"Do you support specifically, the DRL? the SSE? the ___?" = under than 50% support.
If done as an Ontario-wide poll. Everyone has an opinion & a favourite and will often not support other subways as a result. Not everyone agrees which subway is justified.
... I do agree for the "lost the battle" phrase. I think what denfromoakvillemilton is really saying with this phrase is that by forging ahead with DRL-South and DRL-North -- we have little opportunity to change the Scarborough subway result. While not triple-level funded yet -- part of DRL is already funded by some levels of government, so the momentum is incredibly forward at the moment almost unlike any time in forever.
The DRL planning is now occuring at now-incredible rapidity (to the point where it looks all but certain North will begin building right after South).
All of the three political parties appear to be strongly behind DRL (even Ford) and Federal is already itching to fund DRL.
If we want to preserve that journey, it's getting increasingly difficult to change the Scarborough subway plan.
I'm not happy with it, but if that what it takes for DRL South/North to be built relatively quickly (Toronto continuing condo boom has nearly completely doomed the political ability to easily cancel both North/South DRL fully) --
for DRL it's going to be a boobytrap & mutual assured destriction to yank SSE.
So I agree, I feel we lost the opportunity to change the Scarborough subway (except to to improve the plan such as adding back stations) if we want to avoid sabotaging the full good DRL momentum.
To borrow a phrase: IT'S A TRAP!