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🤣 You a funny guy....

Joking aside @TorontoBoris, wait a few months until DJI releases their next model - Mini 5 Pro (my speculation) - and you'll see some of us drone junkies unloading our Mini 3 and 4 Pro's. :)
I've debated the drone thing for, forever. I generally tend to buy tech 1-2 gens out. Cheap and still great.

It's how I got my 360 cameras for pennies.
The bridge above was being lifted into place this morning. I wasn't there, so no video / pics from me, but should be finished by now.

* Edit * Can confirm bridge is now fixed in place.

I am told (fingers crossed) the tunnel is currently scheduled for September.

Looking forward to that tunnel.....

May 18

We returned here today for first time since last fall, approaching from the Fork of the Don there is no obvious progress past the bridge I photographed then - (SEE: though there is now a ladder so getting to the north of it was easy even for us old folk :)->) the path goes as far as the first rail crossing (I think where the tunnel will be.) One day it will be great!
We returned here today for first time since last fall, approaching from the Fork of the Don there is no obvious progress past the bridge I photographed then - (SEE: though there is now a ladder so getting to the north of it was easy even for us old folk :)->) the path goes as far as the first rail crossing (I think where the tunnel will be.) One day it will be great!
Will be awesome once it and the Meadoway is fully complete: can bike from Toronto Zoo to Harbourfront entirely on trails.
