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Any one know if there is still plans to develop the property between the Affordable Storage Center and the CBSA building (Unless thats part of the lot aswell)? I know it would not be any time soon as they would probably keep that lot for staging during the construction of the CWB HQ.

It was in the original drawings of the Ice District as a mid rise residential.
I would love to see Katz/One pick up the storage building and adjacent parking lot and with their own lot immediately north, develop a twin tower residential complex with a completely renovated Horne and Pitfield building. Some cool loft units like the Excelsior across the street. Maybe the size of the two current parking lots together would make a larger development possible and the whole H&P building could be saved, not just the facade.
Bacarat corner is vita but complicated as it is designated for a signature tower. Which other corporate will need space? I'm curious if MacEwan U would consider join ventures with this lot and directly East. Perhaps a skinny portion of real-estate directly north if Roger's could be allotted for student housings so as to connect everything to the main portion of Campus? If we are waiting for office corporate, that might be too long. Also, can MacE and UoA do joint ventures for spaces?
