The sign has been gone for some time now. I was actually wondering about the demolition of the building itself.
The fencing is only surrounding the back (east) part of the building. Just wondering if the building is being fully demolished for LRT or being partially demolished and renovated/repurposed?

There was a two story green outbuilding (bike storage?) That has been carefully demolished morning. The main Western Cycle building has been untouched. Us it possible that they are saving it? Anyone know for sure?
I'm not totally sure, but I believe that the slabs didn't quite TransEd's standards, even though they were structurally sound.

Awhile ago (I swear like almost two years ago) my uncle, who is not a reliable source for anything but did work construction for decades, was telling me how a buddy of his on the project told him that the slabs were done using the wrong grade of concrete. Never put my stock into it but funny to see it appears it be somewhat true. Brutal.
There was a two story green outbuilding (bike storage?) That has been carefully demolished morning. The main Western Cycle building has been untouched. Us it possible that they are saving it? Anyone know for sure?


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I just realized you're new to the nieghbourhood. A lot of the public consultation and communication for the line occurred a few years ago (I'm from Westmount BTW) so a lot of the stuff like site clearing, station placement, utilities, potential upzoning etc isn't really being talked about anymore. i thin kthe last big change was shifting the 124 Street Station to be east of 124, a move which was made in 2017(?) but aside from that things are pretty set. here's a link to the city page for the project, the important thing to see here is the Valley Line West LRT booklet, the 16mb pdf near the bottom of the page. it has maps of the whole line, down to traffic lanes, crosswalks, even potential plantings. the future platforms will be one lane away from Blue Plate, btw. those maps are the best source we have for the project, they were updated in 2019 to reflect the design put out for bids for construction, they should mathc pretty closely what is built.
i think all the land acquisition and clearing is about done now, at least in our section. Dunno what is going in where Western Cycle is specifically, but Aldritt owns almost the whole block on the NW corner of the intersection, I'm sure they have plans for a big project on that site to start once the train starts running. Lots of change!
I'm guessing the 102 Street LRT station tracks will be covered for the purpose of track construction. Also, I imagine that the 75th Street/Roper Road intersection may have to wait until spring before it's moved back to its final configuration.
