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Who's the real brainwashed ones?


Rush Limbaugh sure was a clown, but have you at all watched any American media in the last five years?


Any? They're all quite a bit divorced from any objectivity which suggest that anyone getting their information solely or primarily from any of them, whether "liberal" or not, might be well enough brainwashed.
Rush Limbaugh fans love to call everyone who don't agree with him "brainwashed" by liberal media. Liberal media by Rush's definition also includes thoroughly peer-reviewed academic research. To Rush, diversity is a weakness, not a strength.

In reality, as encapsulated by Toronto's current motto, diversity is our strength. Rush is a dinosaur.

He smoked until he developed lung cancer, believing until he got it that smoking tobacco didn't cause lung cancer; he believed that "liberal" researchers and policy-makers linked smoking tobacco with lung cancer. He learned things the hard way. Researchers use hard evidence, not confirmation bias based on highly manipulated data.

Who's the real brainwashed ones?
Hearing Limbaugh over the years, I always wondered if the man ever believed anything at all, or if he just understood where he derived his meal card. Just like Donald Trump understands a good percentage of his base has some wobbly connection to Cristianity and he gets to do his con man act every day. There should be some kind of award for this kind of hellish chutzpah.
Hearing Limbaugh over the years, I always wondered if the man ever believed anything at all, or if he just understood where he derived his meal card. Just like Donald Trump understands a good percentage of his base has some wobbly connection to Cristianity and he gets to do his con man act every day. There should be some kind of award for this kind of hellish chutzpah.
The award is called the Ig Nobel Prize and Trump was a recipient of it.

Supreme Court allows release of Trump tax returns to NY prosecutor​

From link.
(CNN) The Supreme Court cleared the way for a New York prosecutor to obtain former President Donald Trump's tax returns, dealing a massive loss to Trump who has fiercely fought to shield his financial papers from prosecutors.

The documents will be subject to grand jury secrecy rules that restrict their public release.

The ruling is a bitter loss for Trump, even if the tax records are shielded from public disclosure, after he consistently argued that the subpoena issued by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance was overbroad and issued in bad faith.
It means that the grand jury investigation into alleged hush money payments and other issues will no longer be hampered by Trump's fight to keep the documents secret.
The ruling was issued without comment or noted dissent.

Vance celebrated the order, saying in a tweet, "The work continues."

Trump's legal team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Although Trump's personal lawyers may continue to fight their appeal in the case, the fact that the documents will be released by Trump's long term accounting firm, Mazars, effectively ends the dispute.

Last July, the Supreme Court, voting 7-2, rejected the Trump's broad claims of immunity from a state criminal subpoena seeking his tax returns and said that as president he was not entitled to any kind of heightened standard unavailable to ordinary citizens. The justices sent the case back to the lower court so that the president could make more targeted objections regarding the scope of the subpoena.

In October, a federal appeals court said "there is nothing to suggest that these are anything but run-of-the-mill documents typically relevant to a grand jury investigation into possible financial or corporate misconduct."

Trump's personal lawyers then took the case back to the Supreme Court, urging the justices to put the lower court ruling on hold while the justices considered whether to take up the appeal.

"The subpoena is geographically sprawling, temporally expansive, and topically unlimited --all attributes that raise suspicions of an unlawful fishing expedition," William Consovoy wrote. "Even if disclosure is confined to the grand jury and prosecutors," he said "once the documents are surrendered" confidentially "will be lost for all time."
The subpoenas span documents from January 2011 to August 2019, including his tax returns, from Trump's long time accounting firm, Mazars. The documents relate to the Trump Organization's employment of Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen and hush money payment Cohen allegedly made to two woman who claimed to have had extramarital affairs with Trump.
Mike "My Pillow" Lindell's "documentary" Absolute Proof won the Razzies for worst picture and worst actor:

The "documentary" (which was on Lindell's personal website, as well as OANN (far-right news network), Gab (far-right Twitter clone), and Rumble (far-right YouTube clone) (the "documentary" has been removed from YouTube and Vimeo for violating terms of service)) provides evidence that the election was stolen according to Lindell, but according to anyone who has a brain, the "evidence" was completely fabricated and Lindell's nose is (figuratively) longer than the entire length of the interstate network combined.

Apparently, according to Lindell, his own bodily waste smells like roses mixed with orange peels and his BO smells like lavender. Any impartial person will say otherwise (though Lindell would call anyone who disagrees with the scent of his body as "having a liberal agenda").
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Mike "My Pillow" Lindell's "documentary" Absolute Proof won the Razzies for worst picture and worst actor:

The "documentary" (which was on Lindell's personal website, as well as OANN (far-right news network), Gab (far-right Twitter clone), and Rumble (far-right YouTube clone) (the "documentary" has been removed from YouTube and Vimeo for violating terms of service)) provides evidence that the election was stolen according to Lindell, but according to anyone who has a brain, the "evidence" was completely fabricated and Lindell's nose is (figuratively) longer than the entire length of the interstate network combined.

Apparently, according to Lindell, his own bodily waste smells like roses mixed with orange peels and his BO smells like lavender. Any impartial person will say otherwise (though Lindell would call anyone who disagrees with the scent of his body as "having a liberal agenda").
So now he's going to "cancel" the Razzie awards?

Trump's campaign still hasn't paid the $211,000 it owes the city of Albuquerque. Now debt collectors are calling Mar-a-Lago, mayor says.

From link.

City officials in Albuquerque, New Mexico, are still chasing down a $211,175.94 bill incurred by former president Donald Trump's campaign nearly two years ago.

After a campaign event in the city in 2019, the Trump campaign was billed for increased police services and the use of a municipal building.

"The President's campaign stop in the Albuquerque area cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, including over 1500 hours of police overtime that was required by the campaign," Tim Keller, Albuquerque's mayor, said in a statement to The Hill at the time.

But the debt has yet to paid, prompting city officials to try new tactics. The bill, which was initially sent to Donald J. Trump for President Inc. in New York, has since been resent to Trump's Mar-a-Lago Resort, a city spokesperson told the Albuquerque Journal.

Doing the same "business" as he did in his pre-presidential days.
So now he's going to "cancel" the Razzie awards?
Lindell would claim that the Razzies are run by the evil cabal who drink the blood of young children for adrenochrome.

Not just that, but Rudy Giuliani (yes, the same person as Trump's advisor and former mayor of NYC) won the Worst Supporting Actor and Worst Screen Combo in the same ceremony.

Lindell and Giuliani would "cancel" the Razzies by intentionally not accepting their awards.
Can he really be that stupid?

Can his viewers?

