News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Thing is, we don’t actually know what is in that report.

And it's reasonable to think that the Mueller report and investigation has revealed more than a strict legal interpretation of collusion would suggest. Mueller has been careful to pass on leads to others groups. What may be in those leads remains tantalizing and will surely keep the bot boiling for Trump.
indeed they were. They look pretty silly now. If thry want Trumpmout thry need to run a candidate that can beat hi. Biden or Bernie. The rest would get massacred.

Considering age was a major factor during the 2016 elections, how ingenious of the Left to field two candidates whom are both older than Trump as their front-runners. Lol!
Considering age was a major factor during the 2016 elections, how ingenious of the Left to field two candidates whom are both older than Trump as their front-runners. Lol!

The younger candidates have no chance. Bernie had a young following and really should have gotten the nomination.
Thing is, we don’t actually know what is in that report.

Thing is the Muller Report was supposed to lead to Trump being impeached.

In the end it pretty much guarantees he is President till 2020 now.

It is an uber fail by the left.

Based on the midterms, the left can beat Trump on the issue but Russiagate is getting them nowhere.
Thing is the Muller Report was supposed to lead to Trump being impeached.

In the end it pretty much guarantees he is President till 2020 now.

It is an uber fail by the left.

Based on the midterms, the left can beat Trump on the issue but Russiagate is getting them nowhere.
Fixed it.
In the end it pretty much guarantees he is President till 2024 now.
The Mueller report was not intended to impeach Trump. Too many people hoped it might lead down the road, but that was not at all the intent. It would definitely have been a bonus, however. What it did do was indict a whole lot of his cronies throughout the investigations. It accomplished quite a bit.

What it most likely has done is leave the door open for the numerous state legal proceedings, particularly in New York, that are ongoing.

There's a reason it isn't being released. In all likelihood, it contains a lot of very important information that Trump, McConnell, et al don't want out.
The Mueller report was not intended to impeach Trump. Too many people hoped it might lead down the road, but that was not at all the intent. It would definitely have been a bonus, however. What it did do was indict a whole lot of his cronies throughout the investigations. It accomplished quite a bit.

What it most likely has done is leave the door open for the numerous state legal proceedings, particularly in New York, that are ongoing.

There's a reason it isn't being released. In all likelihood, it contains a lot of very important information that Trump, McConnell, et al don't want out.

The thing is the report was hyped by the media is the thing to take down Trump and it ended up ensuring he is President till 2020 and made his chances to get reelected even stronger.

Everyone who is a bit rational knows Russia messed around in the election, the issue is that Trump seems to not face any direct consequences of that .
The thing is the report was hyped by the media is the thing to take down Trump and it ended up ensuring he is President till 2020 and made his chances to get reelected even stronger.

Everyone who is a bit rational knows Russia messed around in the election, the issue is that Trump seems to not face any direct consequences of that .
. . . . the issue is that Trump is confirmed to not have been involved.

Despite Trump being innocent, I am sure that the harassment will continue. The Democrats created this wild theory and they are too heavily invested in it. Their only chance is to double down and hope the electorate looks at hype instead of facts.
The left and Dems set the bar too high. Of course Team Trump accepted help from the Russians, and that should be seen as unseemly, but the Dems wanted criminal charges and removal from office.

Now the left are in disarray, fighting over purpose, identity politics and focused on why the enemy is bad, rather than their option being better.
Everyone who is a bit rational knows Russia messed around in the election, the issue is that Trump seems to not face any direct consequences of that .
The consequences are supposed to be an annoyed electorate in 2020. But the Dems got greedy and wanted it now.
The left and Dems set the bar too high. Of course Team Trump accepted help from the Russians, and that should be seen as unseemly, but the Dems wanted criminal charges and removal from office.

Now the left are in disarray, fighting over purpose, identity politics and focused on why the enemy is bad, rather than their option being better.

I this just shows how tight the Republican Party is. I can’t stand what’s going on but they are lock and step with the president. If he wants to blow up LA, republicans are more than OK with it. The base is unwavering as well. Ignoramouses but there is nothing that will elicit any critical, objective thought from their end.

Dems are all over the place. Just rainbows and unicorns. So much in fighting and questionable leadership. Thry are misjudging how Americans really think and feel. Thry had too many people treating the Mueller investigation like the be all end all. Bad, bad move.

And honestly if the report came out that Trump colluded, nothing would happen. The train left the station a long time ago. Thry are too far gone.
The base is unwavering as well. Ignoramouses but there is nothing that will elicit any critical, objective thought from their end.
Ah yes, the basket of deplorables position. If the Dems want to win they must appeal to the blue collar demographic that voted for Trump. And that used to be the Dem’s base, blue collar semi-skilled labour, before they went all Hollywood, PC, environmental and identity politics and left their traditional base to the GOP. Hey Dems, DACA can’t vote, so forget appealing to the illegals and instead focus on health care and the economy..
And honestly if the report came out that Trump colluded, nothing would happen.
Correct, because even if the House voted to impeach, the GOP-held Senate would refuse to convict. So, a big waste of time.

I give top marks to Nancy Pelosi as she dialed back the impeach calls from the Dems a month ago. Only Nancy Pelosi seemed to grasp that whatever the report they had to beat Trump at the ballot box. But then again, Pelosi was part of the Dem cabal that included Wasserman Schultz that rigged the primaries to get Hilary on the ticket instead of winnable candidates.
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Today Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, on people seeking asylum, "These aren't people. These are animals."
Today Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, on people seeking asylum, "These aren't people. These are animals."
As reported earlier this week, if liberals won’t protect the border, fascists will.

The US has not really been an immigrant country since the 1950s, being mostly a country made up of the descendants of Europeans, African slaves and indigenous peoples, and it’s very hard to emigrate to the US legally today. No job or sponsor, forget it. But now Americans are seeing hordes of Latino economic migrants crossing illegally into their country. Americans now have a choice, let them in and accept the demographic and ethnographic changes, or keep them out.
