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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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My comment of the Mueller Report:


From link.
Just look at the Electoral College map. All comes down to Wisconsin. This election is going to be a lot closer than people think with a high probability that Trump is elected.

Younger Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez are just clueless. They think their policies will sell in Alabama just as they will in New York. They are attacking red state Democrats like Joe Manchin instead of seeing people like that as assets.

If Sanders wins the nomination, I'm predicting Trump wins the general in a Mondale style blowout. Anybody who really believes that the average American Boomer (dominate swing states) will vote for a guy who vacationed in the Soviet Union are fools. Trump is not going to give him the kid glove treatment that Clinton did.

All that said general change is coming. And it's huge. 2020 is first election where there are as many Millennials as Boomers and more Gen Z than Silent Generation. By 2024, Boomer and Silent Generation concerns like white grievance identity politics will be toast.

The GOP will have gotten 30-40 years of a conservative judiciary out of Trump. But that generational change will be painful. They had better hope Trump doesn't win in 2020 or they'll be shut out for a generation. Trump is turning off millennials (now in their 30s and many pushing 40) at a record pace.
Just look at the Electoral College map. All comes down to Wisconsin. This election is going to be a lot closer than people think with a high probability that Trump is elected.

Younger Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez are just clueless. They think their policies will sell in Alabama just as they will in New York. They are attacking red state Democrats like Joe Manchin instead of seeing people like that as assets.

If Sanders wins the nomination, I'm predicting Trump wins the general in a Mondale style blowout. Anybody who really believes that the average American Boomer (dominate swing states) will vote for a guy who vacationed in the Soviet Union are fools. Trump is not going to give him the kid glove treatment that Clinton did.

All that said general change is coming. And it's huge. 2020 is first election where there are as many Millennials as Boomers and more Gen Z than Silent Generation. By 2024, Boomer and Silent Generation concerns like white grievance identity politics will be toast.

The GOP will have gotten 30-40 years of a conservative judiciary out of Trump. But that generational change will be painful. They had better hope Trump doesn't win in 2020 or they'll be shut out for a generation. Trump is turning off millennials (now in their 30s and many pushing 40) at a record pace.
I'm not sure about Millenials. I understand in Canada they voted heavy for Trudeau and now realize their naivete.
I would guess that same thing would happen in the US. They voted strongly against Trump, but now that the economy is booming like it hasn't in over a decade, and with the Russian Collusion being proven to be a lie fabricated by the Democrats, I can't imagine anyone going against Trump. The Democrats have been disgraceful in not accepting the results of the 2016 election, and they likely need a complete revamp in order to be viewed as credible again.
The Democrats most moderate candidate (Biden) is someone who will become the oldest President in history on his first day on the job. Others (Beto, AOC, Omar) are so far left that they make Castro, Chavez, and the Soviets proud.
I'm not sure about Millenials. I understand in Canada they voted heavy for Trudeau and now realize their naivete.
I would guess that same thing would happen in the US.

People really, really need to stop trying to explain Canadian politics through an American lens and vice versa. I say that as someone who just got back from the US.

The countries are very, very different. And political priorities for cohorts are very different. Millennials here wonder about housing prices and job opportunities. Millennials in the US are legitimately worried about not having health care, extremely high student debts, etc. No millennial here can even imagine what that’s like. Can you imagine losing health care because you lost your job? Can you imagine not getting a job or being refused healthcare coverage because of a “pre-existing condition”? That is what would have happened if Obamacare was reversed. Can you imagine taking 20 years to pay off hundreds of thousands in student debt? Can you imagine declaring bankruptcy because of hospitalization? That’s the number one reason for bankruptcy.

These problems are not going away. Millennials are now in their 30s. They are avoiding marriage and buying homes because of unstable careers and high student debt. Their boomer parents are retiring and incurring health care costs just as millennials start hitting the age where healthcare matters and families add to those bills. Anybody who thinks this is some regular politicking that can be handwaved away with some ideology is a fool. They are well past that point in the US. These issues have real and direct impacts everyday in the lives of most.

Give it 4-5 years. Look at the graphs in the link I posted. By 2024, millennials and Gen Z will outnumber Boomers and Silent Generation 2:1. At that point, politics becomes entirely about millennials priorities. And any party not talking about economic issues (of which healthcare is one) will face major repercussions. I predict by 2024, Republicans themselves will be talking about climate change, healthcare, and student debt. What you’re seeing with Trump is the last gasp of Boomer white identity politics, facing down the barrel of more diverse generations on the cusp of attaining political power. Don’t confuse that with normal left-right cycling that you see in Canada.
Wow, people really think trump was innocent. I think he’s going to get re-elected anyways since I have 0 hope that A,ericans will do the right thing.

Dems will make it easy for him because they aren’t all on the same page and some of the candidates are Melba toast. Also I think POC are tired of the dems using them for votes. Should be interesting.
The Democrats have been disgraceful in not accepting the results of the 2016 election, and they likely need a complete revamp in order to be viewed as credible again.
The GOP never accepted Obama’s victories, never saw him as the legitimate POTUS, and actively blocked him in Congress and in SCOTUS appointments, while running a birther campaign to discredit him. The US culture war has disgraceful folks on all sides.
The GOP never accepted Obama’s victories, never saw him as the legitimate POTUS, and actively blocked him in Congress and in SCOTUS appointments, while running a birther campaign to discredit him. The US culture war has disgraceful folks on all sides.

Things, as far as the treatment of a sitting president goes, were never as bad as they are now. Try Googling the search term: "Trump" at any point in the past two years and see if the average aggregate populates even one or two good news stories about him. It's a barrage of negative coverage and whatever positive press there is gets buried or ignored. And I never recalled Obama or any past POTUS getting threatened for impeachment even after a nonpartisan inquiry concluded that there was no wrongdoing just because an election result went contrary to the "rigged" outcome the Democrats assumed would happen. It's like the witchhunt will never end.
And I never recalled Obama or any past POTUS getting threatened for impeachment even after a nonpartisan inquiry concluded that there was no wrongdoing
The GOP made several attempts to impeach Obama

And like those attempts to impeach Obama, the calls to impeach Trump are not coming from the House or Senate leaders, but from the more nutbar members of Congress. Any House member can table a vote to impeach, it doesn’t signify much.
Things, as far as the treatment of a sitting president goes, were never as bad as they are now. Try Googling the search term: "Trump" at any point in the past two years and see if the average aggregate populates even one or two good news stories about him. It's a barrage of negative coverage and whatever positive press there is gets buried or ignored. And I never recalled Obama or any past POTUS getting threatened for impeachment even after a nonpartisan inquiry concluded that there was no wrongdoing just because an election result went contrary to the "rigged" outcome the Democrats assumed would happen. It's like the witchhunt will never end.

No wrongdoing? Have you not read the report? Trump is a very crafty. He got his AG who is basically his personal lawyer (nothing wrong with that right?) to come out with a press conference and repeat the same no collusion rhetoric trump has been blurting out the last 2 years. Of course that took the sting out of the report where mueller himself said there was a lot of wrong there but he could not charge a sitting president. You understand the pres did attempt to interfere wth an investigation, lied, tried to get people to lie for him.

I guess that’s ok, considering he’s a misogynistic, racist, xenophobic narcissist. This is what happens when you allow this kind of crap to persist. There’s nothing trump could do that would bother some people. But yea, let’s get that damn birth certificate!!!!!

The ar is so so low. Terrible precedent. The president of the United States should be held to a higher standard and yet he is held to lower standard than a regular citizen.

You’re going to get bad press when you constantly bash people (mostly POC). You bash the media and lie your ass off. He deserves all of the bad press.
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And I never recalled Obama or any past POTUS getting threatened for impeachment even after a nonpartisan inquiry concluded that there was no wrongdoing


The investigators specifically said they could not exonerate Trump. That doesn’t in any way mean “there was no wrongdoing”. They said they would have exonerated him if they found exculpatory evidence. They didn’t find any. And worse, they specifically detailed all his attempts at obstruction, and declined to prosecute because policy doesn’t allow them to pursue a sitting President.

Even more suspiciously, it was found that Trump’s campaign manager (Manafort) gave polling data to a Kremlin intermediary (Kilimnik) to assist with their targeting of swing states.

I want you to imagine, instead of Trump and Russia, it was Clinton and China. If Clinton’s campaign manager was found to be giving polling data to an intermediary of the Chinese Communist Party to forward on to Chinese intelligence to employ in election propaganda targeting, is there anybody who would be even discussing how unfair it was that impeachment was being discussed?

If Trump and his campaign staff get away with this, American elections will become a free-for-all with every hostile intelligence service meddling. After all, the reward is high. And the penalties for getting caught negligible. You can’t have rule of law and allow this. Either they impeach (even if conviction in the Senate fails) and prosecute everyone involved, or they accept that America has become a banana republic where laws don’t apply at all to the rich and powerful.

The investigators specifically said they could not exonerate Trump. That doesn’t in any way mean “there was no wrongdoing”. They said they would have exonerated him if they found exculpatory evidence. They didn’t find any. And worse, they specifically detailed all his attempts at obstruction, and declined to prosecute because policy doesn’t allow them to pursue a sitting President.

Even more suspiciously, it was found that Trump’s campaign manager (Manafort) gave polling data to a Kremlin intermediary (Kilimnik) to assist with their targeting of swing states.

I want you to imagine, instead of Trump and Russia, it was Clinton and China. If Clinton’s campaign manager was found to be giving polling data to an intermediary of the Chinese Communist Party to forward on to Chinese intelligence to employ in election propaganda targeting, is there anybody who would be even discussing how unfair it was that impeachment was being discussed?

If Trump and his campaign staff get away with this, American elections will become a free-for-all with every hostile intelligence service meddling. After all, the reward is high. And the penalties for getting caught negligible. You can’t have rule of law and allow this. Either they impeach (even if conviction in the Senate fails) and prosecute everyone involved, or they accept that America has become a banana republic where laws don’t apply at all to the rich and powerful.

Exactly. Sets a terrible precedent.
